View Full Version : Not coping with constant health anxiety and now worried about parasites

02-01-17, 04:26
Hi All,
Sorry to post something so awful but I'm not coping and need some support.
I can't go to family as they don't understand.
So I used a Netti Pot about 4 days ago and I think I boiled the water but to be honest I can't remember, I was so busy doing other things, but I used it and then went - 'crap did I boil the kettle?' - so then I googled tap water and Netti Pot- don't ever do that.
Now 4 days in I can't sleep, can't eat, worried I have a brain parasite from the tap water.
I've phoned the Municpal water supply people - and they have said they filter the water and it's chlorinated to kill all parasites, but still hasn't put my mind at ease. My friend is a Dr and she just sent me a picture of the movie 'Alien, with a 'you'll be fine' - message.
I've phoned Nurse line and they have said - well I've never heard of it so I think you'll be fine, but I"M NOT FINE!
I'm freaking out!!!!

I have headaches, which is a symptom, normal incubation is up to 12 days and I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I'M GOING TO COPE!
Today I have a blocked nose, the Dr has put me on antibiotics for what he think s is a low-grade fever but I'm all blocked up and nothing is working, I feel exhausted, I'm tired and all I can think is that I've got a parasite inside my sinus passages due to the tap water.

So ... has anyone actually used tap water in their netti pot?
What do you think the chances are that there are parasites in the water and how do you cope with such high end anxiety.
I"m suffering..... can't cope and falling apart.
Not good.
Thanks guys!

02-01-17, 12:30
I don't believe this is a legitimate concern. If there were parasites in the tap water, we'd all be quite ill from drinking it, wouldn't we? I can't imagine a parasite could slip past the chlorination process, nor that there is a parasite in the tap water which could live in your sinus but not in your throat or digestive system if you drank it (in which case you'd hear about people having parasitic infections from the tap water, which you never do hear about).
Does that make sense?
Is there a specific parasite that you're concerned about?
What if you contact the netti-pot manufacturers? is there a number on the box, or online? Ask them what risks you might face by using unboiled tap water.
There is little that boiling can kill, that chlorine bleach can't, and the water is already chlorinated, as you've said.
I wouldn't worry.

02-01-17, 14:37
I used a neti pot with tap water for years.

You are worried about Naegleria fowleri, I had this fear over the summer after I jumped in a lake and took water up my nose. I spent a good two weeks worrying about it. The thing is, there is a treatment/cure, but it must be used in the early stages (as soon as you experience the sudden onset of a severe headache). Most times people have no idea that they have this and patients die or are too far harmed before they realize what the cause is and can treat it. Just this last august a boy was cured due to early treatment.

It is extremely rare, only a few people in the U.S. get this every year. It is almost always due to swimming in lakes/ponds after a very hot spell of weather.

They surmise many more people probably are exposed to it but the immune system flushes it out.

It would be killed during municipal water treatment. From what I have heard, in the very few cases of tap water origin it is believed the amoeba was in the pipes in the home and that was the origin. If you use that faucet regularly, the amoeba would be flushed out and you have no chance of exposure. If using a faucet that is not regularly used, you should run hot water for a few minutes to flush anything out.

You really have nothing to worry about, but I understand as I went through this this past summer. I worried for two weeks and then was fine.

---------- Post added at 09:37 ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 ----------

And when I say "severe headache" this means debilitating due to brain inflammation and it would send you to the ER immediately. Not just a regular headache.

02-01-17, 22:45
Hey you guys,
Thank you so much for answering, yes I am worried about the brain eating parasite.
A part of me knows that's it's an irrational fear, I think it's the fact that it's 99% deadly that terrifies me.
I'm on municipal water and ti's chlorinated and filtered.
It's hard as i have headaches anyway from sinus but they are not that bad - out of 10 probably a 1 ;)
It's been 5 days so that means I have over a week to keep worrying about it!
It's kinda ridiculous.
HA is so challenging to have - thank you for your replies though they have helped!