View Full Version : Worried About Catching Cold/Flu

02-01-17, 05:58
My husband came down with a sore throat the day after Christmas and after a couple days it turned into a cough with mucus and congestion and he's still stuffed up now. I avoided him like the plague until yesterday because it was his birthday and I wanted to live on him. He also did his research about when he's most likely to be contagious and said if I hadn't caught it by now the chances are pretty slim. We then went to his parents house for his birthday dinner tonight and his mom came downstairs and said she's been sick all week too. She had a fever, achy, sniffly, even threw up a few times. Throwing up is my biggest fear so this put me in a worry tailspin. Like I didn't even want to eat or touch anything in their house. His little brother then comes home from work and says she's been sick too but not as bad. His dad, who made the food, is fine and his little sister is fine. His mom went back upstairs and didn't eat with us or touch us or even come near us. I hate dinner after my husband convinced me I'd be fine but now I'm home and stressing about it. I washed my hands before I ate and didn't touch anything while eating and never put my fingers in my mouth or touched my face or anything. Do you guys think I'll be okay? I'm super worried and I just hate getting sick. It freaks me out. The last time I got sick it was bronchitis and I ended up in the ER and I'm scared that will happen again. Even though no one around me has bronchitis and the strain I caught then was viral...but still. Any advice?

02-01-17, 06:22
The simple answer is that, even if you were to get sick, you'd still be fine in the end. These are common infections that body fights off without too much difficulty, albeit it can be an unpleasant experience.

Nobody can tell you got certain whether you're going to catch a cold in this instance. You probably won't, though. You're virtually guaranteed to get one at some point, though. Infections of the upper respiratory tract are one of the unfortunate curses of being human.

I'd suggest you start to look into treatment for your fears and anxieties surrounding this issue, as well as for your emetophobia. These issues can be successfully overcome.

You will be fine, though.