View Full Version : Pancreatic Cancer Scare

02-01-17, 14:44
Hello. This is quite a long story but please bear with me. First of all, I am a 22 year old female(i know I'm rather young for this) that had no major health problems in recent years, except for a gastritis when i was 17, that left me with a sensitive stomach, but right now i am really scared. It all started a month and a half ago when i started to feel pain under my breasts, which I sometimes got from excess acid, but it usually went away after a short while. This time it persisted and I also got back pains(middle/upper back) and abdominal pain(both upper and lower abdomen and also on the sides), as well as nausea. Sometimes I also got a feverish-like feeling, but with no actual fever. I went to my GP and after palpation she diagnosed me with gastritis and put me on esomaprazone and other acid inhibitors. After two weeks I stopped the treatment and got really bad acid reflux that caused burning in my throat and other acid reflux symptoms(globus,trouble swallowing etc.) so I went again. She put me on the same drug diet for a while but I got really worked up about everything so she also reffered me to get an endocopy. The back pain didn't go away so I also did an X-ray which showed a flat back?(not sure what the term is in english exactly), and my doc insisted it wasn't related to my GI problems, although I find it really weird it started at the same time. The endoscopy showed gastritis, hiatal hernia and bile reflux and the doc suggested I get an ultrasound (suspected gallbladder problems) but didn't think it was anything serious going on. Bloodwork was normal, as well as urine tests. The back pain also went away for like a week. A week ago I went skiing and more weird and worrying symptoms started to appear, mainly pain in left side and near my belly-button(around it somehow) which a read can show pancreatic problems. Also my back pain came back after being gone for a while( 1 week?). Left side pain got better but navel pain persisted and now i get random pains throughout in my abdomen. I've developed crippling health-anxiety and after scares such as pulmonary cancer (read about asociated abdominal pain, and also muscle weakness which I experienced, but the X-ray came out clean) and esophageal cancer, I now fear pancreatic cancer. I didn't do an ultrasound yet (scheduled for one tomorrow and I can't stop thinking about it) and although I now I'm young but I show a lot of symptoms and it got me so worked up I find myself bursting into tears. My stool has also been lighter than usual (light-brown to yellow-ish) but according to the internet it's normal? not sure where the line is drawn. I've also been more constipated than usual, but at first I didn't pay attention to it since it was listed as side effect of one of the drugs I've been taking. I've since got of said drug and it got better but I still feel like something isn't right (color still the same). I have no history of cancer in the family, but i used to be a heavy smoker and drinker before all of this. I eat well and didn't lose weight as of yet. But the digestive problems, back and abdominal pain, pain around belly button and bile problems worry me a lot, especially since pancreatitis and gallbladder disease usually manifest differently as in sudden and severe pain, while mine is rather dull. Has any of you experienced similar symptoms? I was never a hypochondriac before all of this started but it's gradually taken over my life. Even when I try to calm myself down there's this recurring thought in my head that "Nobody ever thinks it's gonna happen to them".

02-01-17, 16:00
It sounds like you have a lot of digestive issues. Maybe IBS. Mine flares up really badly when I'm anxious or stressed.
I would advise you to discuss all this with your GP, not because it points to cancer but simply to get to the root of it, so that you can get these issues under control and live comfortably. Good luck.

02-01-17, 21:03
This is what worries me so much especially with the weird pain I keep getting I'm scared of it ended up in a and e heart tested me said all ok fed up

04-01-17, 08:40
Ultrasound came out clean, except for trapped gas. I guess I didn't know it could be so painful. Still a little concerned it missed something so I think i'm going to do another one just to be on the safe side. Hope my brain will stop being an ******* at least for a while, though.