View Full Version : asbestos

02-01-17, 16:18
ive just got over one asbestos panic and now i have another one . my husband parked his van on some waste ground where a asbestos roof had been taken down. it was smashed up by workmen but not wrapped in plastic etc . now my husband has walked on the mud and into the house. worried sick now its in the house from his shoes. can anyone help ??

02-01-17, 16:24
I believe that would be a very small amount of asbestos (if any) and probably not something to worry about, health-wise.

02-01-17, 16:30
That amount would not cause any problem at all. My husband used to work with asbestos in the 60's and 70's

02-01-17, 16:54
i was kinda hoping as it was broke down a few months ago it would have been washed away with rain or buried deep in the soil by now but not sure if thats how it works , now i feel like its all over the inside of his work van and walked into the house weher the kids are breathing it in

02-01-17, 16:57
It will be fine...not worth worrying about.

02-01-17, 17:27
thank you for taking the time to reply. i wish i could stop worrying !

02-01-17, 17:29
Like I said my husband worked with it daily for a number of years. He is now 68 and fine :) The amount that may have been (but probably wasn't) stuck on his shoes would do no harm at all.

02-01-17, 17:41
thank you. i have the front door locked so he cant just walk in.

02-01-17, 18:30
Even if he did just walk in it wouldn't be a risk.

02-01-17, 19:55
It would blow away in the wind unless it's big chunks. If they left chunks then I'm sure the Council will be interested since they would be concerned about fly tipping of it.

It's disturbed fibres that you can breathe in that are the problem so even if there were chunks left, as long as no one is breaking them or drilling into them, they won't be moving around.

04-01-17, 18:06
i cant tell if theres bits been left or not he took away the big bits but there could be smaller bits i cant see . and people park there cars on the land so it would be being disturbed all the time.

04-01-17, 18:08
Even if they are bits left they won't be a problem.

04-01-17, 23:25
If they are so small you can't see them, they would have been blown away anyway.

Anything you can see is ok until someone disturbs the fibres. If they don't, it won't.

05-01-17, 06:55
wouldnt it get disturbed by people driving over it ?

05-01-17, 10:05
I think I've posted this before (or it may have been to someone else), but if you think how prevalent asbestos was in construction for much of the 20th Century, and how rare asbestososis is, then such tiny amounts of exposure are nothing at all to worry about.

From NHS Direct (my emphasis):

For asbestosis to develop, prolonged exposure to relatively high numbers of the fibres is necessary.

A bit of asbestos on someone's shoes isn't even worth thinking about.

05-01-17, 10:28
You're focussed on finding reasons to validate your belief that you are at risk.

Look at both sides of the argument, and make a better judgement.

You are worrying about nothing.

05-01-17, 14:31
I know someone who worked in construction with Asbestos for many years.
Your fears are unfounded.
I feel for you because all the worry & precautions are unnecessary. You're safe. Its such a shame that you are suffering in this way.