View Full Version : On-going muscle fatigue- feel out of breath when doing very little things!

02-01-17, 18:43
Hi, I know I have posted on this in the past as I've had it a while now -this on going muscle fatigue/weakness thing, it's all the time, not just coming and going. Anyway I'm having tests and things, so far so good and another one yet to have, but I just wondered -has anyone had this with anxiety stuff -namely feeling like you're out of breath from just standing from sitting position/crouching position?
I am not a smoker, I'm 30 yr old slim female and had 24 ecg recently and dr tested oxy lots of times, lots of bloods lately etc and all clear thankfully.. but sometimes I get so exasperated I just wonder can this really all be stress related :weep: (which I am hoping and praying it is only that) -so has anyone had this level of fatigue before? It's been around since I had my baby 2 years ago and it got much worse about 6 months ago.
Climbing stairs is hard work with my muscles and exhaustion, literally barely doing much these days other than what I have to with little girl. And then this breathless/body working super hard with minor exertion thing.
Any replies are much appreciated!

02-01-17, 23:04
Well in my case over the years, I've had that happen from a number things such as;

1. Adrenal fatigue from mostly anxiety\panic attacks.
2. Low potassium. (eating bananas fixed the problem)
3. Medication. (some medications will screw with your system and make you feel that way, in my case it was taking antibiotics called Ciprofloxacin\Levofloxacin, but other medications can do it as well)
4. Low blood sugar. ( had that on very rare occasions, but that came with shakiness as well as feeling weak)

Anyway, that's what it came down to, whenever I experienced those symptoms myself. Number 1 being the chief cause most of the time.

07-01-17, 20:37
Hi there, thanks for your reply. Is there a test for adrenal fatigue? I have had a blood test for adrenal glands but nothing came of it. I have heard of it though and wondered about it. This does seem like an on-going fatigue from stress I assume.

07-01-17, 21:55
Not that I know of, TimetoTurn, but that doesn't mean there isn't one.

But yeah, GAD and especially Panic Disorder will make you feel tired and sometimes out of breath. Because if your constantly having anxiety or panic attacks off and on all day, your bound to get exhausted from it all. That's a lot of stress your body goes through. And I know in the past it's made me feel like I needed to sleep a lot to recover.

But what about medicine? You taking anything for depression, GAD\panic disorder? Sometimes those medicines will make you feel fatigued and out of breath too. I know Ativian (Larazopam) will do that to me if I even just take half of one of those. Lol, I gotta go sleep that sucker off or I'm dragging my butt all day.

08-01-17, 14:24
How's your iron level? Low iron can do that too