View Full Version : -anxiety over injury

02-01-17, 18:53
I was with my daughter and we were just laying in bed when she saw something out of her window. I was on my side facing the window so to get a better view I just put all my weight in my side and elbow to prop my self up and I felt this pain in my neck that shut down my spine and arms. The best way to describe the pain is when I drink something cold and my teeth hurt from being sensitive. Minutes afterwards I couldn't move my neck without pain shooting down my left shoulder blade when I lay down and lift up my neck to turn my head I get that horrible pain again. And I had spinal pain the whole night. My anxiety has my thoughts racing.... I'm told I probably pinched a nerve and to give it a few days but my mind doesn't want to accept that. I'm trying to push through I really am and the thing is on my previous post Fishmanpa made me really thing that I was not trying hard enough to overcome this. I was able to push some fears away but then this happens. And it a few steps back. :(

---------- Post added at 18:53 ---------- Previous post was at 18:46 ----------

So the tooth pain I meant it as a comparison I now tooth pain is usually nerve pain. So I think I did irritate a nerve in my neck.
And I have been trying really hard with my CBT learned methods on overcoming my irrational thoughts that I had not really been putting enough effort. And it worked amazingly. But after yesterday's "injury" and waking up to more pain I couldn't really help but to freak out and it's taking me back to my irrational mind. Steps back instead of working it through and continuing to get over this fear. I know it doesn't happen over night it's just a bit disappointing

02-01-17, 21:40
Look, you still have an anxiety disorder. You'll have setbacks. The road to recovery is winding. It's no good saying "I was doing well, but...". It certainly doesn't wash with me. You have to accept that you're in a gradual process and will have ups and downs. Don't cling on too hard to the better moments or dig yourself out too heavily for your setbacks. It's all part of the journey.

And whatever you did won't be serious. Just a pinched nerve or a strained muscle or tendon or something. The kind of injury we all get from time to time. You'll be fine. I bet, somewhere deep down, you know this.

02-01-17, 21:48
Very true. Recovery is a two steps forward one step back process. We will all have setbacks.
Dont beat yourself up.

02-01-17, 22:00
Ouch. I know your pain (literally) - I had the exact same pain last week. I was trying to climb through a barbed wire fence but I was wearing my mom's windbreaker, so I was trying extra hard not to snag it...I stuck my neck out too far and got a killer pain. It's not the first time, certainly won't be the last, but it does hurt doesn't it? And being in the neck area, no wonder your HA is acting up.

You're fine. Rest it, put some ice on it if it makes it feel better. A good massage is helpful too.

As the others said, you'll have setbacks. It happens. Just keep pushing :)