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02-01-17, 20:45
I had these weird flutters in my heart that made me cough. I was waiting for my Dermotologist to come check out a potential Melanoma-- It was not that at all. It turned out to be a blood blister! While waiting for him I got that fluttering pounding in my chest for a few seconds. I kept thinking about the spot on my foot and how I might freak out In front of him.
. Than BAM! Heart palpitation!
Yesterday I was posting here and reading all kinds of horror stories about using Xanax. A couple minutes later... BAM!! Heart palpitations! It lasted a couple seconds. I did some deep breathing and it went away.
A few days ago I got bad news about my uncle's cancer and then BAM heart palpitations !
I think there's a stress connection here. Does this happens to anyone else? Would you see a doctor over this. I've had normal EKGs before, but never a holster monitor. Help! I'm loosing my mind.

02-01-17, 20:57
I think there's a stress connection here.

Ya think? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Heart_palpitations_chest_pain_irregular_b eats_flutters_skipped_beats) ;)

Positive thoughts

02-01-17, 21:02
Lol! I'm just so worried about anxiety killing me. I was taking Zoloft a week ago and was getting that heart dropping feeling once a day. The doctor said it sounded like a PVC. I stopped the Zoloft and now tying to manage with Xanax as needed but I need something ICAN take daily .

02-01-17, 21:10
You have to give SSRIs like Zoloft a chance to work. It can take a month or more before you start seeing the benefits. You may have (and you have) some side effects upon start up but they'll fade as the meds get into your system and you acclimate. I was on Zoloft for 6 months while being treated for depression after my 1st heart attack. The only side effect I had was a dodgy tummy but it really helped me during my therapy. It was the crutch I needed while I was getting my feet back under me.

Xanax is awesome (I call it the F'it pill ~lol~) but it can be/is addictive so it's not a long term solution. I've had a bottle of that around the last 4 months and it's helped during those really stressful times with my wife's illness. Just be careful with it is all...

Positive thoughts

02-01-17, 21:18
The start up side effect is rough. Maybe I need to rethink it. I can't keep existing like this
My 6 year old needs his mommy

02-01-17, 22:06
I have the same worries re: health anxiety.
I've had a few ECG's now and wore a holster for 72 hours. Everything came back fine. Logically I know it's probably anxiety, stress, GERD, and not a heart issue, but it's so easy to get carried away in convincing yourself it's so much more.

I can totally relate with you.
I've been doing breathing techniques and reminding myself that it has happened before and nothing bad has happened.
I find reading posts on this site has helped me tremendously too.

02-01-17, 22:17
I need to keep reminding myself that nothing bad has happened before. I cant wait till see my therapist this week. I hope she can help

bin tenn
02-01-17, 23:57
Your therapist's help can only go as far as your effort. They can't give you a magic cure-all. It sounds like you're right that it's stress related. I've been free of stress lately and I don't recall any palpitations for the past week or two. Last time I stressed extensively I had a few. Not uncommon at all. Hope you feel well soon!