View Full Version : Starting my new job - tomorrow!

02-01-17, 21:57
So, I'm actually not freaking out nearly as much as I thought I would. Probably thanks to my lexapro. :whistles:

I'm kind of at the point where I'm afraid of starting the new position, but excited to get a start on something and start making a bit of money.

This is not my first job by any means, BUT it is my first big-kid job. I know from experience that the first month is probably going to be rough as I settle in and get comfortable with the position.

I have general fears that I am absolutely going to hate it (though my coworkers seem nice) or that it won't have any kind of growth potential. But then again, it totally could...

It's also going to be awkward as I'm in charge of the student employee and as I'm brand-new and she's not, she'll probably end up helping to train me. She seems really nice though.

I guess when it comes down to it I feel really green and like I should be more experienced/mature than I am, but then again, doesn't every job have a bit of a learning curve?

This post is kind of all over the place, I just had to vent. If you made it to the end, congrats and thanks :yesyes:

02-01-17, 22:13
Hi Poppy good luck in yournew job I am sure you will be fine and enjoy it positive thoughts

02-01-17, 22:36
Everyone is rather apprehensive during the first day or so in a new job. There's a lot to take in, but you strike me as a very capable person. You may feel in a whirl, but it will work out just fine! You say the people seem nice - well that makes all the difference. Good luck:)

03-01-17, 08:36
Good luck, Poppy! You've got a very measured and mature approach to your new job so I hope all goes well and there's absolutely no reason why it shouldn't. You deserve the credit for this, not Lexapro!

03-01-17, 11:41
Its normal to be a bit anxious in the first few days but I'm sure you will be fine.Good luck!:yesyes:

03-01-17, 22:09
Thank you much for all the support! :D

I've still got about an hour left before the end of the day, but so far so good! I feel like I am swimming in information and have SO much to learn, but I really think once I've got the hang of things I'm going to enjoy the job quite a bit. Everyone here has been so nice, and I am so, so thankful for that.

Admittedly, I did take half of a clonazepam last night because I was too wired to sleep, and then I took a full one this morning because I figured I'd be anxious. I'm going to try to go without tonight and tomorrow (I only take as-needed) and see how I fare.

I've started getting excited about what lies ahead for me personally & professionally - including apartment hunting! - and while any kind of excitement has me apprehensive as I always know there's a major chance things could go south, I'm letting myself believe that things will find a way to work out somehow.:shades: