View Full Version : Lots of different scary symptoms

03-01-17, 01:56
So I'm currently absolutely petrified, because for months now I've been basically out of it 24/7.

Most people refer to it as brain fog (even though doctors have no idea what you're talking about when you say that) which is the main problem I'm having. The reason why I'm scared though is that it's coupled with chest pains that a sharp and stabbing that come in bouts of about 5 minutes each time (can be longer) that aren't cripplingly bad but are terrifying when they happen- these started at the same sort of time. What's especially worrying is that the pain seems to spread down my arms sometimes as well.

Also I've also had eye problems (floaters and strange flashing lights) and I esentially feel completely worn out all the time nomatter how much sleep I've had, but also find it very difficult to get to sleep in the first place which is doubly annoying. I also sometimes have memory issues ( worrying because I have always had a very sharp memory) and struggle to communicate due to general phased out feeling. I sometimes also get back pain and a crackling sound (like popping candy) in my neck.

I've had an ecg and multiple blood tests and seen four different doctors- each has ruled out heart problems and has said it's probably "just" anxiety. I'm due for an MRI on the 14th for my brain- but I am just about to explode with fear that it might be something awful, and I wanted to know what people think it might be. I understand the opinion of doctors that it's probably anxiety but have heard so many horror stories that I can't trust their opinion. Help!

---------- Post added at 01:56 ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 ----------

*Also I'm 20 and there's no history in our family of cancer but we do have a history of heart problems- everyone on both sides of our family tends to go that way

03-01-17, 02:06
I would personally say, anxiety.
You just sound exactly like me 3 years ago. Every symptom you talk about I have had. All the symptoms will go in time, when your anxity reduces and it will, I used to believe other wise myself but just gutted I wasted so much time believing it wouldn't. Would of saved half the stress. I had the chest pains, stabbing pains, muscle twinges. The lot! Just down to your body running a little differently due to the body being anxious.
The memory one was the a hard one for me too, but again once your mind becomes free again which it will, you will begin to think more clear and you remember things better. I put this down to your mind thinking so much about your symptoms that it dosent take things on board.
I get my chest and neck pop, just put it down to tention now.

Once I got my life back, carried on doing what ever I do, the anxiety faded and so did my symptoms. Takes time but they will all pass ��