View Full Version : Neurological Symptoms

03-01-17, 02:11
Hey everyone,

I am new to this website and to anxiety. I have a relatively high stress job and go to school for biotech part time so I am no stranger to stress and worry. However in November it took a turn that led me to severe health anxiety.

In early November my left foot and calf began to twitch and then about a week later so did my right foot and calf. I consulted Dr. Google and convinced myself that I have ALS. Then my jaw tremor started and hasn't stopped since. Naturally I ran the gambit of health examinations: three panels of blood work, mri of brain, CT scan, xray of my back and chest, EMG of my legs. All of these came back normal. I went to an expert neuromuscular neurologist because I began twitching everywhere and started to experience intention tremors of myour hands when I am gripping paper or something similar. He gave me a thorough neuromuscular evaluation and said that my anxiety caused a hyperactive autonomic nervous state and that his prescription was meditatiom, therapy and medication. He booked a second emg for March just for my peace of mind.

The other day I started to have fleeting aches and my hand tremors seem to be getting worse... yet I've been in therapy, medication and mediation for a month now and I'm so nervous.

Could the aches, tremors, and twitching all be due to anxiety? With all the clean testing done should I still be nervous something was missed? I'm terrified I may still actually have something like MS or Parkinsons.

Any or all guidance would be appreciated.

Much love.

03-01-17, 02:56
Please believe! I sit reading through all these posts and can't believe when I add them up how many of the symptoms I have actually had. If not all, 99%. I think the best thing I ever read was "you will get better, when you stop trying to get better" I just decided i have to accept it was anxiety and move on. It's sooo hard to do I know! It's amazing what it can do. after time you will get all these symptoms to go when your anxiety go's away. I wasted 3 years, try not to do the same. You will be ok.

03-01-17, 16:43
I totally agree with the above poster.

I've been severely worried about a number of neurological symptoms. Infact our symptoms are very similar. Twitching, Jaw Tremor, Hand Tremor, Aches and Headaches.

Multiple tests and neurologist consultations and its all come back as Anxiety. Anxiety does DEFINITELY cause everything you have.

Once you allow yourself to not worry about it, it will subside. I know its very hard but the sooner you accept its anxiety, the quicker the symptoms will go.

04-01-17, 11:56
Thanks for the responses. Being somewhat new to this brave new world is scary. I'm a bit of an empiricist so when someone tells me this is due to a mental stressor it is tough to handle.

Question about the tremoring: mine is pretty much constant. Is that what you all experienced as well?

05-01-17, 10:03
yes i had a severe left index finger twitch for 3 weeks and i was worried, then it moved to my temple, for a few weeks, then to my leg for a few weeks

when i asked the doc she said dont worry twitching is hardly ever a sign of anything serious and i have hardly had any twitches since then

do any of you get numbness down your leg or shin ? i have had this for 2 years, i have a bad flat foot on the same leg

06-01-17, 19:49
I have never had numbness. I have had buzzing in my feet though.