View Full Version : Stomach problems?

03-01-17, 02:37
I'm a 22 year old male and eat very clean. Past 2 weeks I've had some weird sensations with my stomach. Out of no where I have lost my appetite and never feel hungry in the morning when I wake up. I don't have really any pain from stomach area just more of a bloated and tightness feeling. Also whenever I eat even if it's a small snack I feel full for hours after eating and my abdomen starts to pulsate or throb. My poop has been regular and I go around the same time everyday still. I have also been taking some anti acids, taking probiotics, eating lots of yogurt and eat a very clea/bland diet and so far none of it has helped me. Should I go to the doctor? I'm very worried about leukemia or some stomach cancer. All opinions welcomed.

03-01-17, 03:58
I tried doing the probiotics thing several times, hoping it might help with my GERD and IBS, but the thing I noticed every time I tried that, it seemed to make my stomachs problems worse than usual, exactly the way you just described it; including eating a small snack and feeling full for hours. And yogurt and dark chocolate seemed to be the worse culprits that can cause this with me after a while.

But you know at first, when I start eating the stuff, I feel a little better stomach wise, but after a while of eating the stuff continuously day to day I get those same symptoms. So maybe eating that stuff and too much of it on a continuous bases is overkill? I don't know. But I do know my stomach seems to settle down a few days later after I quit eating the stuff.

So maybe it's the same thing for you as in my case? But still, seeing a doctor about it and getting his\her opinion doesn't hurt either.

04-01-17, 14:43
I'm a 22 year old male. I used to be overweight and very unhealthy until about 2 years ago I started a strict diet and stopped smoking. I've had 2 abdominal x rays and 1 abdominal CT scan past 3 years. Also I've smoked a total of 5 packs of cigarettes through out life. For the past 3 weeks I have been having stomach problems. I wake up and am not hungry at all, I feel full after eating very little and have a bloated fullness feeling usually all day. I can go all day without eating or feeing hungry. I've lost 5-8 pounds the past 3 Weeks but I also haven't been eating as much and I haven't drank alcohol in 2 months and eat a clean diet.I'm very worried I could have leukemia or other cancers since all the radiation and smoking increased my risk. I don't have any other symptoms like fatigue, night sweats, fever, bleeding, or weakness. I also have felt for lymphnodes and none seem to be swollen around collarbone, neck, and armpits but my lymphnodes to feel tender. One symptom I do have is possible easy bruising but I can't tell if it's because I'm very active and play a lot of basketball and bang into people/things a lot or if it's my body telling me something's wrong. Should I go to doctor and get tested for leukemia? What are my chances this could be something bad? I'm having bad anxiety.

04-01-17, 14:47
What are my chances this could be something bad?

No chance...

Positive thoughts

Gary A
04-01-17, 15:26
Your "symptoms" are weight loss and bruising. The explanation to both are in your post. You're eating a clean diet and play a lot of contact sport.

04-01-17, 19:32
Yeah but I have ZERO APPETITE. I'm not hungry at all . I feel full 24/7 and that's not normal. I should be feeling hungry and my metabolism should be very high from me being active. This has been going on for 2-3 weeks now. I don't know how out of no where I don't feel hungry and have zero appetite. It feels as if I chugged 2-3 water bottles and the water sits in my stomach 24/7 causing no hunger and fullness.

04-01-17, 20:11
Zero appetite has more to do with anxiety than anything. Cancer often has the opposite effect. It is the treatment for cancer that causes the loss of appetite, not the cancer itself. Loss of appetite is how I know my anxiety is peaking.

04-01-17, 22:37
Yeah but....

It's "Yeah but" disease. Where logical reasons and reassurance have no effect on the real illness of anxiety ;)

Positive thoughts

05-01-17, 06:28
Given the loss of appetite and the "tender" lymph nodes, I'd say odds are you're coming down with a virus. (and by that I mean a mild, seasonal virus like the common cold, not HIV or Ebola or whatever).
Cancer at your age is exceedingly rare.... a fact I wish I'd understood when I was your age, and constantly worried about having cancer.
Chin up, best of luck to you.

05-01-17, 16:31
It's "Yeah but" disease. Where logical reasons and reassurance have no effect on the real illness of anxiety ;)

OMG....Now thats a diagnosis I am positive fits me. So whats the cure?:bighug1:

05-01-17, 16:54
Get some protein type drinks

05-01-17, 17:11
OMG....Now thats a diagnosis I am positive fits me. So whats the cure?:bighug1:

Realistically, using the word "cure" would not be technically right. Using the word "healed" would be more accurate IMO. "Cured" implies there are no lingering symptoms. "Healed" does not. I equate it to my physical illnesses. I'm "healed" from them but not "cured". I have lingering damage to my heart and side effects from my cancer. The same thing applies to a mental illness. There are experiences and side effects from mental illness that can carry on even after being "healed". Another comparison is a scar from a cut. The cut "heals" but evidence of the injury remains.

The path to healing varies depending on the individual but overall, it's therapy and/or meds if needed. It's also something that one must make part of their lifestyle to maintain. For me, eating right to prevent cholesterol buildup, quitting smoking and taking meds (which I will for my lifetime). For anxiety/HA sufferers, it may mean meds practicing CBT techniques or mindfulness and changing behaviors like Googling or posting for reassurance.

That being said, there are some that heal to the point that they never experience anything else and in those cases, the word "cured" would apply.

Positive thoughts

05-01-17, 21:42
I'm a 22 year old male and eat very clean. Past 2 weeks I've had some weird sensations with my stomach. Out of no where I have lost my appetite and never feel hungry in the morning when I wake up. I don't have really any pain from stomach area just more of a bloated and tightness feeling. Also whenever I eat even if it's a small snack I feel full for hours after eating and my abdomen starts to pulsate or throb. My poop has been regular and I go around the same time everyday still. I have also been taking some anti acids, taking probiotics, eating lots of yogurt and eat a very clea/bland diet and so far none of it has helped me. Should I go to the doctor? I'm very worried about leukemia or some stomach cancer. All opinions welcomed.

Consulting a doctor is not a bad idea, just to help yourself feel better, but I do want to say (as you well know I'm sure) that it's a big jump from having some stomach discomfort for a short period of time and leukemia or stomach cancer.

Neither of those things are very probable at all. (My psychiatrist always asks me to think of possibility vs probability. Is it possible? Sure, maybe in some tiny margin. Is it probable? Most definitely not.)

Do you have anixety in other areas of your life?

A lot of your body's serotonin is produced in your gut, which is why so many of us who have anxiety see it manifest in a gastro way.

I hope you feel better soon. If not, consult a doctor, and then try to believe them. That's the key. :)


05-01-17, 21:54
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