View Full Version : Fear of taking Zoloft

03-01-17, 02:43
I have horrible anxitey... I already take lorazapam as needed but my doctor gave me Zoloft on December 22 and I can't bring my self to take it. I'm suppose to take it before bed but every time I go to take it I end up not being able to. My fears get the best of me and I end up just putting it back in the bottle...
I know the outcome of this drug could be really great but I'm so scared of the side effects that could come out of it. And I know the minute I start to feel even a little werid I'll tell my self it's the zoloft then I'll end up having a bad panic attack... I just don't know what to do or how to get my self to just try it. Like how to tell myself this pill isn't going to kill me. It may not work but good chance it will

Any advice or tips..

03-01-17, 03:13
Well first know that your apprehension is very common. Nobody wants to be on medication. And the well known side effects of ssri's in the beginning would make anyone not want to take it. You said how do you tell yourself it won't kill you...well...just like that. The truth is it can be rough in the beginning with increased anxiety. But that doesn't happen to everyone. And for the vast majority of those who stick with it the medication does work very well to control anxiety. And though it might be rough early on believe me it will not kill you.


03-01-17, 11:38
I have horrible anxitey... I already take lorazapam as needed but my doctor gave me Zoloft on December 22 and I can't bring my self to take it. I'm suppose to take it before bed but every time I go to take it I end up not being able to. My fears get the best of me and I end up just putting it back in the bottle...
I know the outcome of this drug could be really great but I'm so scared of the side effects that could come out of it. And I know the minute I start to feel even a little werid I'll tell my self it's the zoloft then I'll end up having a bad panic attack... I just don't know what to do or how to get my self to just try it. Like how to tell myself this pill isn't going to kill me. It may not work but good chance it will

Any advice or tips..

If its any consultation I was on zoloft for many years and it worked great. I didn't have any bad side effects either.

---------- Post added at 11:38 ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 ----------

If its any consultation I was on zoloft for may years and it worked well. I didn't have any bad side effects either.

03-01-17, 12:00
Thank you both very much. I know I just need to give it a try.

03-01-17, 15:04
Hi Summergirl,
I know how you feel! I was prescribed Zoloft and only stuck it out for 8 days. DO you take the lorazepam daily? I've been taking Xanax daily for the past 6-7 weeks. I get such bad panic attacks.

03-01-17, 17:38
I took Zoloft for some depression after my 1st heart attack. Started on 100mg. Other than a bit of a dodgy tummy, I didn't have any issues. In fact, I really didn't feel or notice anything at all BUT.... those around me did. Between the therapy and meds, my friends and family noticed I was more positive and upbeat after a few weeks.

The only time I noticed anything was when I came off of them. Of course I was weaned off but that's when I got some head zaps and dizziness. I can say unequivocally that the meds were the crutches I needed while getting my feet back under me.

I think you're right. You just have to give it a chance, push through and hopefully you'll reap the benefits.

Positive thoughts

03-01-17, 18:58
I took Zoloft for some depression after my 1st heart attack. Started on 100mg. Other than a bit of a dodgy tummy, I didn't have any issues. In fact, I really didn't feel or notice anything at all BUT.... those around me did. Between the therapy and meds, my friends and family noticed I was more positive and upbeat after a few weeks.

The only time I noticed anything was when I came off of them. Of course I was weaned off but that's when I got some head zaps and dizziness. I can say unequivocally that the meds were the crutches I needed while getting my feet back under me.

I think you're right. You just have to give it a chance, push through and hopefully you'll reap the benefits.

Positive thoughts

FMP - I personally believe this is exactly how ssri's are supposed to be used...as "crutches" as you so aptly put it, and for a temporary amount of time. A good friend of mine who has a masters in Psychology agrees...for the vast majority of anxiety sufferers ssri's should be temporary.


03-01-17, 19:58
I have horrible anxitey... I already take lorazapam as needed but my doctor gave me Zoloft on December 22 and I can't bring my self to take it. I'm suppose to take it before bed but every time I go to take it I end up not being able to. My fears get the best of me and I end up just putting it back in the bottle...
I know the outcome of this drug could be really great but I'm so scared of the side effects that could come out of it. And I know the minute I start to feel even a little werid I'll tell my self it's the zoloft then I'll end up having a bad panic attack... I just don't know what to do or how to get my self to just try it. Like how to tell myself this pill isn't going to kill me. It may not work but good chance it will

Any advice or tips..

My advice would be to start with a very low dose to avoid side effects. I have to start at 12.5 mg and slowly work my up. Otherwise I find I want to jump out of my skin! When you are already anxious the first few weeks on zoloft will add to it.

03-01-17, 21:08
I used to be on Zoloft, and it never did anything for me. I never found it beneficial. Saying that, I think it's important to say (just like someone else has already pointed out) that being apprehensive about a medication is entirely normal. I started Escitalopram in September last year, and I had such bad panic attacks prior to starting it. I had an awful, massive attack on my way to the therapist to pick the prescription up.

05-01-17, 01:12
Is that lexapro? I've taken that before and was on it for 3 years. My doctor seems to think the zoloft is a better option for my anxitey and mood rather than lexapro for anxitey and depression.

I just can't get my self to take the darn pill. I worry so much something is going to happen. But I am going to just do it. I just took some adivan and when that kicks in I'll take the zoloft. Just the thought of taking it give me a panic attack

---------- Post added at 01:10 ---------- Previous post was at 01:09 ----------

My advice would be to start with a very low dose to avoid side effects. I have to start at 12.5 mg and slowly work my up. Otherwise I find I want to jump out of my skin! When you are already anxious the first few weeks on zoloft will add to it.

Are you on zoloft?

---------- Post added at 01:11 ---------- Previous post was at 01:10 ----------

FMP - I personally believe this is exactly how ssri's are supposed to be used...as "crutches" as you so aptly put it, and for a temporary amount of time. A good friend of mine who has a masters in Psychology agrees...for the vast majority of anxiety sufferers ssri's should be temporary.


Thanks very much.

---------- Post added at 01:12 ---------- Previous post was at 01:11 ----------

Hi Summergirl,
I know how you feel! I was prescribed Zoloft and only stuck it out for 8 days. DO you take the lorazepam daily? I've been taking Xanax daily for the past 6-7 weeks. I get such bad panic attacks.

I do take it daily. .5mg twice a day. Morning and night probably should take more but I hate taking pills. Due a past addiction problem with pain meds

05-01-17, 01:39
I know how you feel about taking meds. The Xanax is helping a Bit but I think I need to try another SSRI
I tried Zoloft for only 8 days
I may give in and try again

05-01-17, 03:11
Can you get a close friend or family member to spend the night and sort of "babysit" (or at least hang out and keep an eye on you)?
Do you have anyone you can trust to do that?
Tell them your fears, tell them you're starting a new medication. Do it on a weekend night, and have a friend sleep over. Watch movies and have pizza. Try to relax and take your mind off the Zoloft... but let your friend know your concerns with starting a new drug, and just have them sort of keep an eye on you for any strange or serious side effects.
I'm sure there will be none, but it might make you feel less scared if you weren't alone the first time you took it.
Best wishes!

07-01-17, 00:47
Can you get a close friend or family member to spend the night and sort of "babysit" (or at least hang out and keep an eye on you)?
Do you have anyone you can trust to do that?
Tell them your fears, tell them you're starting a new medication. Do it on a weekend night, and have a friend sleep over. Watch movies and have pizza. Try to relax and take your mind off the Zoloft... but let your friend know your concerns with starting a new drug, and just have them sort of keep an eye on you for any strange or serious side effects.
I'm sure there will be none, but it might make you feel less scared if you weren't alone the first time you took it.
Best wishes!

Thank you for the advice. my husband knows im suppose to start this medication... im just scared of it. but i feel like im lossing my mind. and i think this drug will help if i could just get myself to take it

11-01-17, 03:45
I was prescribed that too and I told my doctor about my fears and she told me not to take it because of my health anxiety, if I did happen to get a similar symptom to the side effects listed (even if it wasn't anything bad and was just related to anxiety) that it could set off a panic attack.

Instead she gave me propranolol, which has a much less scary side effects list in my opinion. You could give that a try? It doesn't really help with your mood, but it does lessen your anxiety symptoms so that can help you feel better.