View Full Version : Lymphoma Fears

03-01-17, 03:14
Hi everyone, a while since I posted on here!

Around 3 years ago I noticed a small pea sized lump near to my ear, in front of the Tragus area. I always get a random aching sensation around there so went to the doctors who felt the area, shrugged and said he cannot feel anything of concern. The lump never went, so I went to see a different doctor who again did not seem concerned and said they couldn't feel anything.

The lump is still there, it has not grown in size and I don't have any other symptoms such as weight loss, loss of appetite etc. I don't know what this is, whether it's a lump node, cyst or whether it's just a perfectly normal part of my anatomy? Doctors are trained and if they felt the area surely they would feel something of concern straight away?

Rationally I am trying to work through this but I have spent all night reading about lymphoma and I am absolutely terrified! I am scared to go to the doctors again as I am too worried of the outcome.

Would lymphoma cause other symptoms? If I have had lymphoma this long would I know about it by now? I really need some reassurance because the panic attacks are major. I constantly feel it every single day and it's driving me insane!

Thanks everyone x

bin tenn
03-01-17, 03:21
I won't provide much reassurance because you've answered your own question, as have multiple doctors - trained, educated medical professionals. Try your best to accept their lack of concern. You're fine. Enjoy your life.