View Full Version : Do you think I'm okay????

03-01-17, 04:40
Since March of 2015 I have had stomach/GERD issues, I have had three scopes done and all were clean. My last scope was literally 3 weeks ago. Here is what's bothering me now. There is someone in our town that was just diagnosed with stomach cancer at the age of 33 (I'm 34). She had bad stomach pains this past summer and they told her she had h pylori, so they treated her. It wouldn't go away so they scoped her and said she had an ulcer, treated her for the ulcer and her pains got worse. She then finally went to a different GI and he scoped her and saw that her ulcer looked weird, took a biopsy and it was cancer. She then found out on Christmas Eve that it's stage 4. Horrible, absolutely horrible.

I was convinced in March of 2015 that I had stomach cancer or at least an ulcer. Because my symptoms were stomach pains, gawning feeling, burning, couldn't eat, nausea. It was horrible, and it's what actually started my HA. I got scoped and it was clear, no h pylori and my stomach looked perfect. There wasn't even any inflammation on the biopsy. I eventually got better but then the GERD started. So I had my second scope done in October of 2015 and again EVERYTHING was clear. No biopsy was taken because it looked clear. My GERD got better and I was good for about 8 months, then my GERD started acting up again and my GI scoped me 4 weeks ago, she took biopsy of my esophagus but not my stomach. My stomach looked clear yet again.

Don't you think she should have biopsy my stomach? I do get stomach pains here and there. I don't have the burning pain at all or nausea, I just have GERD issues with food going down slowly when I eat sometimes. I'm on a PPI.

What if I have cancer cells in the lining of my stomach but they just haven't done any damage yet? Shouldn't they biopsy every time? I'm so scared because I still get the stomach pains, there HAS to be a reason I get stomach pains, right?

03-01-17, 06:01
GERD combined with anxiety. You've had 3 GI scopes done and they all came back ok. Your friend got scoped twice and they found something on both. I had stomach troubles 2 years ago and anxiety makes it horrible. Calm down and feel relieved that you've had 3 clean GI scopes.

bin tenn
03-01-17, 16:48
The problem is simply that someone you know was diagnosed with a real disease, which spiked your anxiety, IMO. Yes, you're fine. These issues are not new for you, and with your three scopes you shouldn't worry, in my opinion. Hope you feel well soon. :-D

03-01-17, 18:23
I agree that recent events triggered your increased anxiety and thus your GERD. Medically you're fine based on tests (and very recent tests at that!).

Whatever you were doing to treat your GERD previously, I would continue doing. Be it diet, PPIs etc. and keep in mind that none of the fears you've posted about here or on AZ ever became close to reality.

Positive thoughts