View Full Version : Echo results tomorrow :(

03-01-17, 06:46
For the last couple of months I've had a forceful heartbeat that literally rocks my body back and forth and makes my whole abdomen move. A few weeks ago I got a stress test and echo done to see if they can find the cause. Im worried that I will hear something really bad but strangely my biggest fear is that I will hear that everything is okay. If everything is okay then there will be no help for this :( Im an overweight person with pretty large breasts so I cant imagine thats its normal for my heartbeat to be so pronounce. I literally cant turn over in bed without my heart pounding out of my chest and heavy palpitations. I know for a fact my heart has never been like this before. Its so obvious that people in stores stop to ask me if I'm alright when im out. I need to be asleep but nerves are keeping me up and klonopin might as well be tylenol for me. Im 22 and all of my friends are out partying and building their lives and I'm just trapped in the house afraid that my heart will give out at any moment. Anxiety sucks. I just needed to come here to vent. Thanks for reading.

03-01-17, 08:32
Hi, I also turn over in bed with my heart pounding...it doesn't happen all the time but it happens often enough. I've had numerous heart tests including Echo and all come back fine. Anxiety is a bugger. All the best for tomorrow.

bin tenn
03-01-17, 16:53
It could be anxiety, but it could also be other things. Do you drink a lot of caffeine? Drink plenty of water? Smoke? Drink? All of those can contribute. I also have this sometimes, and I've had a clear echo and stress test.