View Full Version : Another panicked soul signed up

03-01-17, 11:39
Hi. I'm a 30 year old male who has been suffering from mild Health Anxiety for years. Mild up until last month. I had some unexplained dizzy spells and signs of fatigue on and off for a couple of weeks. Something I had never had before. Then, on December 17th, after breakfast, I felt so awful I though I was about to faint. I felt as if my legs couldn't bear my weight and I felt a tightness in my chest. I asked my mother to call an ambulance, because I thought I was having a heart attack. The paramedics came, and aside from an elevated heart rate and blood pressure (which was most likely due to the stress of being panicked) they didn't find anything unusual. They took me to the emergency room anyway, took an EKG (which was fine) and did a blood test. They found I slight infection (no further details given) and prescribed an antibiotic. It seemed that the antibiotic worked (according to my GP, my white blood cell count is almost back to normal.) But I still had a weird assortment of "symptoms". Then I started what nobody with health anxiety should do: I asked Dr. Google. It went downhill from there. I had everything, from heart disease to various cancers and neurological disorders. Finally, end of last week I went to the hospital again. I wouldn't leave until I spoke to a psychiatrist. After waiting for an eternity, I was finally seen by one. She prescribed Sertraline and Lorazepam (only initially before the Sertraline takes effect.) I will also try to start therapy as soon as possible.

Maybe the above was a bit much for an introduction, but there you are.

03-01-17, 11:45
I'm in the same boat as you mate. Only signed up yesterday and suffering bad anxiety myself and just started new meds. Wish you all the best:welcome:

03-01-17, 11:46
Hiya Deckard and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

03-01-17, 11:56
Hi Deckard!

And hello Diamond Geezer too.

Lots of great resources and people to share stories with here.