View Full Version : Anxious Actor!

03-01-17, 12:13
Hi guys this is my first post on here!

I'm an actor currently touring Austria and my anxiety has become completely overwhelming. The first few weeks of the tour was absolutely fine because I'd been living at home having recently graduated from drama school and was getting a bit of Cabin Fever.

I have suffered from anxiety, health anxiety and OCD since I was a child but being in another country has made it worse. I have a constant fear that I'm going to die away from home or that something bad will happen to me or my loved ones when I'm away. Because it's a tour we change hotels every few days and we travel to a variety of places likes big cities and small towns. I've noticed my anxiety peaks when we get to a new hotel, and I think my brain constantly looks for possible dangers around me (are the plug sockets hanging off the walls? Does the hotel have smoke alarms? Etc) even if all these things are checked and okay my brain then moves on to something else like what if I sleepwalk and jump out the window in the night? What if I have an arrhythmia in my sleep and die? I know if something bad were to happen to me I wouldn't know about it so what's the point in worrying at all?

Basically I wondered if anyone had any helpful tips or information? I'm currently back at home for Christmas but fly back this weekend, however this time the next leg of the tour is for 3 months! I am terrified to go back but know it's something I have to do. I've found exercise to be incredibly helpful and a great way to channel all the extra anxious energy and I've read a self help book and just bought a new one about CBT.

Should I see my GP? I've been on Citalopram before but it made me feel like a zombie. Also has anyone ever used online counselling before? I know you can get sessions on Skype and FaceTime now.

03-01-17, 17:06
Australia is a long way away from the UK! It may seem daunting, but it is a safe country & (in my experience) hotels are of a good standard & health & safety taken seriously. Its sensible to be aware of fire exits & how to get out of the hotel in a hurry. If there is something faulty in the room - then tell the owners. A 3 month trip is quite a challenge, but good experience for your career.
Now, what about the anxiety! I can suggest the website www.cci.health.wa.gov.au, & books The Worry Cure (Robert L Leahy) & Break Free From OCD (Challacombe). Ive not used online counselling, but it sounds a v good option. Natural health remedies & mindfulness help some NMP members.
Changing hotels every few days would make me a bit tense. Checking for safety etc is just an outlet for anxiety. I hope you can find some useful strategies to manage it. All the best:)

03-01-17, 17:08
There are some good workbooks here that could be helpful to you http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/consumers.cfm

You are doing very well to travel around and also to be on stage when you are so anxious so well done to you for that.

---------- Post added at 17:08 ---------- Previous post was at 17:07 ----------

Lucinda we posted the same link at the same time :) Great minds think alike. I think he is in Austria though and not Australia :)

03-01-17, 17:29
Oh Blimey! Time for a strong cuppa!:D
I believe Austrian hotels are of a good standard & take health & safety seriously.
Might be a bit cold at the moment, but best to keep clear of the schnapps!!

03-01-17, 19:39
Thanks for the the replies guys! There seems to be a lot of useful information on that link so thank you very much! I'm going to try and see my GP and see what they suggest although I'm not sure what they can really do when I go back on Saturday!

And yes it's Austria not Australia haha I think being on the other side of the world would be even worse for me although the sun would help!

04-01-17, 08:52
I think we could all do with some more sun. I always feel worse in the Winter :(