View Full Version : My chest just really hurt when I coughed?

03-01-17, 13:57
I have a really nasty cough and cold. I was having a bit of a coughing fit and got this pain right in the centre of my chest. I'm freaking out now about my heart. It's faded off now but I do have chest twinges. Is it probably a muscle that was strained a little? I know we have muscles in our chest but wondering now whether it was my heart cos of the forceful coughing :(
I read somewhere that chest pain caused by the heart doesn't worsen when breathing I'm which mine did, so that indicates something muscular.
Any advice?

03-01-17, 14:21
You answered your own question ;)

Positive thoughts

03-01-17, 15:11
Thanks Fishman. I still have some pain though, it's my chest at the back though not the front. It's really scaring me. Should I go get checked? It's intermittent, not constant but it's enough to frighten me

03-01-17, 15:31
I'm not a doctor. If you're that frightened and can't rationalize this, then by all means, go to your doctor. Personally, I think you'd just be paying for reassurance.

Positive thoughts

04-01-17, 02:04
Just to chime in....I am getting over a nasty bout of the flu myself and have an awful cough. I think that we cough so hard, and so much, that there isn't a muscle anywhere in our bodies that doesn't get strained and worn out. Plus for me -- anytime I have upper respiratory illnesses it seems like that triggers my anxiety to be higher than normal, so I am hyper-focused on all body twinges. Try distracting yourself and if you don't focus on the chest twinges, I bet they disappear ��