View Full Version : Pulse in neck/stomach

03-01-17, 14:59
Hi all. For about the last 4 months I have noticed I can see my pulse in my neck on the right side just under jaw. Cannot see it as strong as left side. Like an idiot I ended up googling and apparently it is not normal according to Dr Google!

Also I am sure that for years I have seen my stomach pulse too and with the neck Googling it too said that was some kind of heart disease/artery thing and again not normal!!

Can any of you guys see your pulse in your neck or in your stomach?

Catherine S
03-01-17, 15:47
It always amazes me what dr.Google says is abnormal. You will see a pulse wherever you have a pulse point. Instead of asking Google "is being able to see my pulse normal" why not just ask to be shown where all the pulse points are, and there are many...two of which are in your neck and stomach.


03-01-17, 16:02
It just means you're alive :D

Positive thoughts

03-01-17, 16:44
Hi all. For about the last 4 months I have noticed I can see my pulse in my neck on the right side just under jaw. Cannot see it as strong as left side. Like an idiot I ended up googling and apparently it is not normal according to Dr Google!

Also I am sure that for years I have seen my stomach pulse too and with the neck Googling it too said that was some kind of heart disease/artery thing and again not normal!!

Can any of you guys see your pulse in your neck or in your stomach?

I can in my stomach but only when I look for it. Googling something like this will always bring up some random things that could be wrong, it's pretty normal to see your pulse.

04-01-17, 14:34
Ha these replies made me smile cheers all!

04-01-17, 17:03
Just looked at my stomach there, I can see my heart beat in my stomach

Catherine S
04-01-17, 17:52
I'm jealous of those of us whose stomachs are flat enough to actually see the flippin pulse! But 2017 will be the year for me with my diet...i'm determined to be able to see my feet again, and the pulse point :D