View Full Version : Private Health Insurance for GAD

03-01-17, 16:46
Has anyone got any experience with private medical insurance for GAD? I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth it. From what I can gather most insurance policies rule out pre-existing chronic conditions so perhaps this is a non-starter for me anyway.... x

03-01-17, 18:10
Do you already have a private health policy? And if so does it include mental health cover? Pre-existing conditions aren't covered as a rule-it can be horrendously expensive to self-fund and not always beneficial.

03-01-17, 19:03
Nope but I was thinking of getting one. I wish I had done before the anxiety started!

I know it won't cover GAD but what I was worried about is that there are so many conditions that can be related back to GAD that it might not be worth taking the risk of paying for insurance. For example if in ten years from now I start suffering from, say, migraines will the insurance cover any treatment? The cause of something like this is quite hard to pinpoint and I guess some docs would put it down to a history of anxiety.

I'm just trying to way up the pros and cons, already got ny fingers burned with dog insurance so I'm pretty cynical

03-01-17, 19:37
I think that if there is a way to lead a new symptom back to anxiety the insurance companies will do it...