View Full Version : Feel like I want to cough it all up!!!

03-01-17, 17:51
Has anyone experienced a feeling like you have a congested chest but can't shift anything? I can take a deep breath and don't have a cough but feel like my breathing isn't quite right.

I've had a virus (I think) since before Christmas, feel knackered and miserable and very stressed due to work, an elderly mother with dementia and my own menopause but no real 'cold' symptoms except for some swollen glands and earache for a few days early on. I have heard that the menopause can cause breathlessness as can stress, but of course as an ex-smoker, all I can think of is Lung Cancer.

I had a bit of a meltdown at my Mum's care home on New Years Day and while it was distressing, the feeling completely went away for about 24 hrs but yesterday (dreading going back to work) and today (back to work) it's back!

Anyone had similar experiences?

03-01-17, 18:24
apart from your mom and menopause (im a guy) I could have written this post. I usually eat 1 cough drop a day just to make myself feel better as I have a little rattle in the morning.

03-01-17, 21:41
You guys don't know how lucky you are!

That's interesting about the cough sweets as I almost feel I want something to 'soothe' my chest. Have you experienced these feelings for a long time?