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View Full Version : Throat, cough, GERD

03-01-17, 19:51
Here I go again on the forum.... :shades:

Ok so I am bouncing between lung cancer, stomach cancer, throat cancer, fears since May when I developed Health Anxiety out of no where. Won't go into too much details because I have already in the past, but just have a question.

I do not think I was officially diagnosed with GERD, but was prescribed medicine for it. If I have GERD, that would explain my mucus and post nasal drip like symptoms, plus apparently it causes a persistent cough which I have had for some time and also chest pains. My question is now I have a slight ache and pain in the right side of my throat by my voice box. Its not a sore throat, I can swallow just fine, I can breath just fine, my nasal passages have always been a little hard to breath through but I can, and I don't feel any bumps or growths in my neck, nor is there any visible swelling. I have no clue what that is.

I haven't had any extreme breakdowns in awhile, but this new onset of pain in my throat has me worried now, and it continuously dwells on me in the back of my mind. I had an endoscopy done in august of 2014 where nothing was found, would that have caught anything malevolent or is that the wrong test for this. or is it possible to something to have grown since then?

bin tenn
03-01-17, 23:34
Could very well be simple irritation of the throat/esophagus due to GERD. Not uncommon. I have GERD and I take a PPI now which has worked wonders (40mg Pantoprazole/Protonix, 1x daily). But I've had the sensation you describe in the past.

03-01-17, 23:45
Yep, same symptoms with me in the past as you and Bin Tenn have describe.

Love that Pantoprazole. Good stuff.

bin tenn
03-01-17, 23:52
It definitely is good stuff. I still get mild reflux if I splurge on eating things I shouldn't eat, but I generally watch what I eat/drink and have no more issues.

Sam Winter
04-01-17, 00:38
And endoscopy would of defo picked something sinister up(had there been anything) I'm highly doubting its the C word of any form, I think its an irritated throat/voicebox from acid or even throat muscle spasms but nothing dangerous x

04-01-17, 00:41
It definitely is good stuff. I still get mild reflux if I splurge on eating things I shouldn't eat, but I generally watch what I eat/drink and have no more issues.

Yeah me too, especially if I eat acidic type foods, chocolate or whatever kind of food irritates it. When that happens every once in a while, I chew on a 1000mg Tums as a supplement. That helps too. :winks:

Sam Winter
04-01-17, 00:44
Yep, same symptoms with me in the past as you and Bin Tenn have describe.

Love that Pantoprazole. Good stuff.

I'm currently on Omeprazole which hasn't done an awful lot for me so the doctor is thinking of trying a new one, I've heard a lot about Pantoprazole but never tried it so I might give it a go x

04-01-17, 00:55
I'm currently on Omeprazole which hasn't done an awful lot for me so the doctor is thinking of trying a new one, I've heard a lot about Pantoprazole but never tried it so I might give it a go x

Well usually with Omeprazole it's about 20 mg per pill where as with Panatoprazole it's usually 40 mg per pill. Now they're both in the same class or family of PPI's, but I tried omeprazole too at first and besides a few side effects that bothered me, it didn't do me much good with my acid reflux either. So My doc switched me to panatoprazole and boy I noticed a difference then. Not a remarkable difference mind you, but enough to realize it helped a lot better with my acid reflux.

So yeah, ask your doc about that one and see if it works better for you.

bin tenn
04-01-17, 01:14
Omeprazole didn't really do much for me either. I took it for a month early 2016. Pantoprazole is one I'd highly recommend.

Sam Winter
04-01-17, 01:27
I've been on it for about a year but my doctor never really gave me anything else, in fact instead he's been trying to get me off that let alone anything else which I can tell you hasn't worked out great for me so far haha �� x

04-01-17, 02:04
Yeah from what I understand, we're only suppose to be taking any of those PPI's for a short time period, like 8 weeks at the most if I recall. Because of a increase in the risk of a hip fractures or at least, that's what I read\heard.

Anyway, I've been off and on it myself for about a year as well. I'll try and go without it for a month or two, which sometimes I do alright for a while without it for that long, but then life starts stressing me out again and suddenly my acid reflux will come back with a vengeance and I'm right back on them again. Can't seem to do without them, but I feel so much better when I using them.

bin tenn
04-01-17, 02:07
I've been on mine since August, so almost five months now.