View Full Version : Hello...... relationship anxiety

03-01-17, 21:19
Hi all

I am a 33 year old female with a long history of anxiety and depression. I have been diagnosed with GAD and at the moment it is coming out as massive relationship anxiety, I am convinced my partner will leave me. Wondered if anyone else had experience with these sorts of issues?


03-01-17, 21:26
Hiya GS83 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

Sam Winter
04-01-17, 00:48
Ahoy there and welcome :hugs:
I don't like to brag but I've become the master of relationship anxiety(even with friendships!) x

04-01-17, 22:12
Why thank you very much! Oooooh you saying I could learn from you? I'm pretty good mind!

Sam Winter
05-01-17, 00:41
You probably could learn a thing or two lol I'm quite the "he's going to leave me because i overreact so much" or "he'll find someone better" ect, but he usually says I'm just being silly :roflmao: actually he's became a fan of calling me a Ninny now(too much big bang theory I'd say) he's quite the comedian overall and a generally honest person so he always assures me if he did any issues with me he'd mention them, I'm definitely getting better than I used to be x

05-01-17, 19:16
I like to constantly ask for reassurance then do exactly the same the next day..... and for some reason he doesn't like this? Hate it though every time I tell myself this is it, I will not do this again and yet and yet.......

Sam Winter
05-01-17, 20:27
I understand how hard it is, mine doesn't have an issue with reassuring me but he's slowly cutting down on doing it because reassurance isn't a great thing, he'll reassure me on days when I'm really scared but if its a time where I'm just being silly he won't, I know how upsetting it can be but you can't help asking for reassurance because that's just programmed within you x

05-01-17, 20:57
The thing is it's silly, because the reassurance doesn't work, everytime I just want more. I also have a real problem with things happen in others peoples lives, I instantly compare them good or bad to mine and usually decide that with ear because it happened to them it will happen to me or that everything just goes wrong for me. I am really fed up at the moment, it's all so hard and the worst thing is......I create it myself!

12-01-17, 11:40
Bloody hell, I feel like I could have written any of these posts (With the exception of the bits about being an expert). Quite reassuring to know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Hope you're both making progress

13-01-17, 13:17
Hi GS83, I know exactly how you are feeling I suffered from relationship anxiety in my past relationship and it consumed me. At the time I knew it was in my head and tried very hard not to be 'clingy' or insecure but nothing seemed to ease that little voice in my head do they still love me?, do they want to spend time with me? why haven't text me and on and on. looking back now yes most of the issues were of my making. I never suffered anything like this before in past relationships I have always been very secure and confident and put it down to several red flags that occurred earlier on in the relationship that I ignored.

Its not easy you should be enjoying the time with your partner as yourself, they will love you more for it and with that will come security.

Hope you find peace!!!

14-01-17, 21:48
Its probably not similar but I suffer a lot with what people see. When I'm out in town I think are people looking at me or whispering about me? Some of my close friends don't understand my anxiety but the ones that do really supported me once I had told them