View Full Version : Do I have social anxiety when it comes to relationships?

03-01-17, 23:36
So I'm 18 and I've been in a few meaningless relationships. They were quite a few years ago and ever really meant much. I was quite shy in them (3 all together) but not as bad as I am now. Before I was emotianally attached, I enjoyed affection and craved it. I guess I still do crave affection to an extent, but then when I actually think about a guy giving me affection and stuff I just find it so strange. I don't know why but these recent years I've just become cold and emotionally detached. Me and this guy both like each other but for some reason I'm way too scared for a relationship. On text I'm a lot more confident and we constantly have interesting convos but then in person I sometimes just freak out and idek why. Some days I'm completely fine and then others I just don't know. I do think I have generalised anxiety disorder so that could have an impact. I guess when we were just friends I felt a lot more comfortable - but it's like now romance is involved I just can't deal with it. All the other relationships I had were meaningless and I wasn't hurt by them, so it's not a fear of being hurt. It's like I don't want to be vulnerable, yet I'm not scared of being open and getting hurt, it's just that I don't want to be open in the first place. I wonder if my parents divorce could have an effect on this? Although that was a number of years ago. It's just like I'm too scared for a normal conversation to happen, or just be in his presence, the thought of it scares me for some odd reason? I can attend social events and all that is fine, but then I freak out if he's there or if I know he will be there and no longer want to go. LOL what's wrong with me?!

Sam Winter
04-01-17, 00:22
You could have anxiety towards Intimacy and being open which is actually quite common, I for one have been with my partner for 3 years now and we're only romantically involved, there's so many things I have not shared with them because I'm too scared to, it was hard at first because we were such good friends when we met(we met on xbox 360) and even when we physically met I handled it perfectly, but when you put the term "relationship" on it all its like you've just met the person all over again.
I'd say its down to anxiety or sexuality but there is a chance their divorce could of played a part.x