View Full Version : Worried about eyes

04-01-17, 00:40
I have been seeing blue dots and patches out of the corner of my vision for quite a while and am becoming worried as I have been to the opticians in that time and nothing special except a small prescription has been given which makes me worry about stuff like tumors. I have read in places an eye doctor would notice a tumor due to inter cranial pressure. Is this true? Really worried as I also sometimes get pressure headaches on the left side for example when I was ill my head would hurt when I coughed on the left and also 1 morning I woke up with a massive migraine but this has only happened once so I am not so worried about it.

bin tenn
04-01-17, 01:15
An eye exam CAN detect a tumor, but it's definitely not a catch-all. What you describe is probably migraine (with aura, even) most likely, IMO. Not unusual. I get it, too.

Catherine S
04-01-17, 01:24
What was the prescription given for can I ask?

04-01-17, 13:08
Yes brain tumors can sometimes be noted by ophthalmological exam. It depends on the location, whether a tumor is even causing an increase in intracranial pressure, if the tumor is changing the shape of the eyeball, or if there is a 'shadow' cast on the back of the eye. Having said that an eye exam is not proof positive a person has a tumor or does not have a tumor.

My father had a brain tumor in his right temporal lobe. It was causing complete loss of his peripheral vision in his right eye. He went to an ophthalmologist and the dr could see a 'shadow' on the back of his eye PLUS having lost his peripheral vision, the doctor told him to see a neurologist as he almost certainly had a brain tumor. He had other issues going on physically as well. Before you lose your mind over the vision issue my dad had, realize this was not stars or weird vision, or dots or patches. This was complete loss of vision. BLIND from side vision 24/7. Not better then worse, then better. It was gone.

intracranial pressure: what An eye doctor may see if there was increased intracranial pressure is an abormal optic nerve/disk--be it shaped oddly (due to pressure) or it is the wrong color-- or the back of eyeball is misshapen/swollen and/or when they take the pressure measurement in your eye, it will be elevated. Normal pressure in the eye is 12-20. Eyes can have different pressures (i.e., left eye 13 and right eye 16) but as long as they are in this range, it is considered normal. Even IF eye pressure (aka--glaucoma test given by EVERY eye doc I have seen in my life) is elevated, it does not necessaruily mean tumor. there are many reasons to have a abnormal pressure in the eye/s.

The pressure you are talking about is not intracranial pressure. it is almost certainly due to sinus issues or plain ole cold or tension headache. Most people have had head pain/pressure EXACTLY as you describe---me too. It is not an indication of a brain tumor.

AND, finally, not all brain tumors cause eye issues, ever.

04-01-17, 15:12
Thanks for the replies. I really do appreciate your help. My prescription was small on both eyes I think 0.75 and 0.5 and I have a small astigmatism as my grandad and dad also have this.