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View Full Version : Vibrating feeling inside left pulse? Googled and I'm freaking out right now

04-01-17, 00:57
Some weeks ago I was feeling really anxious because of this leg pain that wouldn't go away. I was so scared of DVT that I requested a ultrassound just to ease my mind. Everything was fine and I stopped worrying about it

I was starting to get back on my daily activities without worrying or anxiety.. I even went out for a walk today... But Now i started feeling this weird buzzing/vibrating sensation in my left pulse, I ignoreD it ay first but now it'happening more and I couldn't help but Google... And I read it could be a symptom of DVT and now I'm worrying sooo much about it again but in my arm!! :( I'm freaking out... I have no swelling or color changes but my arm have been hurting for a while now... In adiction to that I've also been feeling a little chest discomfort which I thought its trapped gas since I always have it... I read that the vibrating could also be a stroke or heart attack sign and I cant stop worrying... What if it is, I can't go to the hospital right now and Theres no way i can play for another ultrassound... It's almost 1am and now I can't sleep because I'm worrying so much!!

It it helps I've also been feeling a cold sensation in the left side of my upper chest, it stopped now but was happening before. Also my left eye feels weird and I'm having black spots/floaters on my vision frequently but that's been happening for some weeks now, but now its worse maybe because I'm worrying so much and noticing everything? Or could it be a sign of something? Please help me :(

---------- Post added at 00:57 ---------- Previous post was at 00:42 ----------

I meant wrist not pulse. Forgot tbe right word in english

04-01-17, 01:03
What do you mean buzzing/vibrating sensation? Like a muscle twitch or something.

Have you had much caffeine today?

04-01-17, 01:09
It feels like I have a phone vibrating touching my wrist and provoking the sensation. And no, I actually never drink coffee or anything with caffeine really

Catherine S
04-01-17, 01:18
It sounds more like a jumpy nerve, rather than anything sinister. When people are fixated on a particular illness, they can apply every little symptom to that illness or condition, and good old doctor Google will always oblige too.


04-01-17, 02:22
It feels like I have a phone vibrating touching my wrist and provoking the sensation. And no, I actually never drink coffee or anything with caffeine really

I see, but don't assume the worse, man. Okay? :winks: And I just found something in relation to anxiety and what you are describing. So you might want to take a look at this;


04-01-17, 19:18
I have that vibrating feel in my chest right now! I'm sure it's from adrenaline.