View Full Version : Headaches

04-01-17, 03:06
Hello all,

I just recently got over a fear of esophageal cancer (after begging for a barium swallow which showed nothing but mild reflux), and now I have moved onto a new fear courtesy my health anxiety.

About two weeks ago I randomly got a headache in the afternoon and did not think too much of it, took a Tylenol and it disappeared. However, after this, and for the past two weeks, I have had daily headaches. Usually, I will wake up without pain, but I will immediately start thinking about having a headache and within a minute I begin to feel pain. The headaches usually are most mild in the morning, get worse mid-afternoon, anywhere between 1 and 5 in the afternoon, and then just kind of continue on until I go to bed. It has become my new obsession. I have also have felt pretty tired despite sleeping for 9 to 10 hours a day (I am on break from college). Other than this, I would describe myself as a healthy 20 year old.

Other things I have noticed...

- Usually, when I go to the gym and workout the headache subsides completely or at least is not as noticeable, but begins again almost immediately after I finish my workout.

- When I was with my family during the holidays I would have a beer or two which would basically rid me of a headache for a few hours (I'm thinking it may have relaxed me).

- The headache is much less noticeable when I am distracted with friends, etc.

- The headache is not localized, and usually begins as a pressure near the bridge of my nose and near my eyes/lower forehead, and then gradually moves to the side of my head, back of my head, returns to my forehead/pressure behind my eyes, etc.

- OTC painkillers worked at first, but now after I take them I cannot stop focusing on my head and possible pain, so although the pain may be more bearable it usually never subsides fully.

I have been sitting around most of the day watching TV, spending time on my computer, or on my phone, so it is possible that I am straining my eyes and that me basically sitting around doing nothing is making me tired. It also allows me to focus on my head and how I feel at all hours of the day, which isn't great.

Logically, I know that I most likely do not have a brain tumor, but as someone who basically never gets headaches, and who is constantly worried about my health, I can't help but be concerned, especially since it's now been slightly over two weeks, and think about the worst possible outcome. I also can't seem myself away from Dr. Google.

Sorry for such a long post, and thank you in advance for your replies!

01-02-17, 17:58
I'm so glad you've made this post - as you are describing - to a TEE - what I am experiencing. Bridge of my nose, pressure behind eyes etc. And I am not noticing it when I am distracted.
Now I'm no doctor, but surely we can't BOTH have BT's, can we? I reckon it's good old stress and tension!

01-02-17, 20:18
I've suffered with headaches for months, been go and hospital and tests etc, and its all down to tension, poor posture and migraine!! Its awful, and if like me your scared to take tablets it makes things worse :( vile cycle im convinced i have a brain tumor xxx