View Full Version : OCD & Genral anxiety.

04-01-17, 08:38
Okay, I so thought this anxiety was solely centrerd around OCD Schiz but it's not just schiz that's bothering me, I'm worrying about absolutely everything!!!
The mind chatter is so random and is causing me so much distress in bed at night that when I wake up I'm still in a state.
Then all day long I worry about everything, feeling panics spike here and there over the silliest thing.
I'm starting to feel like I will never feel normal ever again 😩😩 not only that I get married this year and starting to think my fiancé isn't going to want to go ahead 😢😢 I know that's silly because he is sooooo supportive but I guess there is only so much he can take.

I'm just so so drained now and have no idea of which way to turn or what else I can do ease this episode of anxiety. It's so hard and my kids see my suffer to which I hate so much!!!

So back to it, does OCD and general Anxiety go together??x

04-01-17, 16:30
I can obviously only speak through my personal experience but it may help.
I have suffered with GAD with traits of OCD since I was 11. It got worse after my son was born. Then after a very demanding job with extremely bad management I got reffered to councilling which is where after all these years I was finally diagnosed in Dec 2015. Im now 28.
I had cbt which didnt help much but was on citelaplan and everything was under control. Of course I still had down day, obtrusive thoughts etc. But i could mostly dismiss them.
I am now pregnant though and came off my meds by 6w. Im now 24w and wish I was on my meds as i get a lot of obtrusive thoughts and find everyday tasks very draining.

I feel the only reason its so bad atm for me is because of hormones and no meds. Otherwise I can "mostly" keep ontop of it and my husband says he knows my usual "cycle" (which is apprently 3months) so he tends to know when to expect me to go a bit loopy :haha:

For me my GAD and OCD most definetely 100% are linked. I have an anxiety, my ocd turns it into a nasty obtrusive thought about our baby girl. But i know once shes out and im back on the meds everything will calm down.
Do you have anyone you can talk to? My husband is my support and I couldnt get through this without him. It can be anyone you trust, but someone who will listen and not try and "find a cure/answer". Someone who can keep an eye open for the signs of a bad episode.

04-01-17, 16:47
I'm waiting for counciling at work but it's such a long wait and yes my fiancé is very supportive but I feel a burden on him half the time because of I am and the upset I cause myself drains him sometimes. He is such a strong minded person and I fear I bring him down when I keep going on so tend to hold back on somethings. However he would be happy to sit there all night and let me go on and on but it's not always a good thing as I just cry ����