View Full Version : chest xray

04-01-17, 09:48
Went to see my gp last night about my symptoms and I burst into tears as ifs ruining my life. I've lost weight I'm dizzy I feel lightheaded strange etc all the time and very fatigued. I also have a almost 10 month old baby too. She has refered me (finally) to a neurologist but said it's a very long wait and then for some reason sent me for a chest x ray. .. no idea why and freaking out a little bit as they contacted me today and wanted to book it in for this afternoon. Now I'm thinking Omg why is this urgent! ??! I've got a few swollen lymph nodes up my neck and behind my ear and I'm literally freaking out about lymphoma etc. So petrified 😟 so worried I'm dying and going to be leaving my son behind. Doc told me she will do chest x ray as it's easy bit not sure if she just saying that so I don't worry when actually it's the day after which I'm having it which seems urgent!! 😟

Gary A
04-01-17, 10:08
X-Rays are easy and relatively inexpensive, so there's rarely any type of waiting list. It sounds to me like you've had repeated doctor visits seeking referrals, and you're now even more anxious about the referrals that you wanted.

You have to at least try to stop seeing the worst in everything. A chest X-Ray will show normal lungs, heart etc, and the neuro appointment should rule out anything wrong neurologicaly. Again, is this not what you wanted?

04-01-17, 10:16
Yes it is but I didn't ask for a cheat xray. It's me being my usual anxious self again. Thank for letting me know about the short waiting list for xray though as that has put my mind at ease a little regarding the urgent refferal I thought it was. Of course once I have the xray I'll be a nervous wreck waiting for the results!

Gary A
04-01-17, 10:50
Yes it is but I didn't ask for a cheat xray. It's me being my usual anxious self again. Thank for letting me know about the short waiting list for xray though as that has put my mind at ease a little regarding the urgent refferal I thought it was. Of course once I have the xray I'll be a nervous wreck waiting for the results!

That's why seeking medical testing is rarely a good idea when you suffer anxiety. You're more anxious now about the speed of referral, the waiting for results, then when you've got the results you'll anxiously await the neuro appointment.

All you've done is add to your stress. Doctors shouldn't ever perform tests or make referals in order to reassure, but sometimes they really can't do much more. Your doctor has tried to tell you that your symptoms are down to anxiety and exhaustion, but you're not for having that. So what else can they do, really?

I'll wager that you'll get the X-Ray, be told it's fine, but you'll then worry that something has been missed. Same goes for your neuro exam. You'll be told this is all anxiety related, and you won't believe it. This is what happens when you diagnose yourself, nobody can convince you otherwise. No testing, examination or reassurance will work. The only person who can help you, is you.

You have to stop seeking medical attention and work on tackling your anxiety issues.

04-01-17, 11:23
Thanks for your reply. I can't help but feel it is slightly aggressive? I am seeking help for my anxiety issues. I am seeing a councellor once a week (when I can afford It). I am on the nhs refferal list but that is taking months.I guess I'm just extra anxious because Ibe got a baby now and worry about him being lget without his mum.

Gary A
04-01-17, 11:34
Thanks for your reply. I can't help but feel it is slightly aggressive? I am seeking help for my anxiety issues. I am seeing a councellor once a week (when I can afford It). I am on the nhs refferal list but that is taking months.I guess I'm just extra anxious because Ibe got a baby now and worry about him being lget without his mum.

I don't mean to come across as aggressive, I'm just pointing out how anxiety can make you. If you seek medical testing for reassurance you're just doing what your anxiety wants you to do. You're giving it more to feed off.

I understand you're seeking help, and yes, NHS waiting lists can be a total nightmare with this sort of thing, but in the meantime I would suggest trying to constantly remind yourself that your symptoms are down to your anxiety. If you keep telling yourself you're at deaths door then again, you're feeding your anxiety. Try to tell yourself that while your symptoms are uncomfortable and worrying, they are simply a by-product of your mental state.

I know it isn't easy, but I can't really offer any other words of advice or support other than what I've written.

04-01-17, 12:00
Hi Duke, I'm sorry you are still going through this. What Gary says is absolutely right, your Doctor is only referring you because they don't know what else to do, not because they think you are ill. I really do understand what anxiety can do to you though, as I'm going through a prolonged patch myself. Gary has given good advice about reminding yourself that your symptoms are due to anxiety. I don't underestimate how bad you are feeling, but I know that if you can get a plan in action, such as writing down your thoughts and trying to relax your body this can be overcome. Now I just need to take my own advice.