View Full Version : Can't shake the fear of Leukaemia

04-01-17, 13:20
Hi all, my first post and I'm sorry it's a long one!
I've managed to convince myself my daughter has leukaemia!!
She's had a cough for 2.5 months, Boxing Day it had got worse and she was up all night. I took her to the out of hours doctors the next day and the nurse mentioned to me my DD looked a bit pale, asked me a few questions then said my DD could potentially be anemic. She called the doctor in who basically ignored the nurse and told me I called about the cough so the cough is what she was checking over and to make a GP appointment for DD to be checked over further. We were visiting family so it was 2 days until I managed to get an appointment. In the meantime I thought about the questions the nurse asked then did the stupid thing of googling Anemia and they 'symptoms' the nurse had asked about. Lukemia was the thing that kept coming up. I've even managed to make DH worry too!

Went to the Doctors (I didn't need say I was worried about Leukaemia and I have no idea why?!) I mentioned the Nurse saying about Anemia. He basically shrugged it all off and told me the only way to determine that was a blood test. He was being Audited at the time and I fully believe that is the ONLY reason he ordered the test, it's just the FBC test he ordered. When we went to get the test done the nurse wondered why only the FBC was being done and not the others which were listed on the standard form??
The test was yesterday so I'm sure if there was anything abnormal I would have been called my now, though I still can't shake this feeling she's not quite right!

The things listed have been going on for a couple of months:
.Her appetite has decreased with her saying she is 'full'
.She is very pale with dark bags under her eyes
.She is lethargic and often won't walk or complains she is tired out
.She has changed from being completely chilled out to being irritable and grumpy
.She says she has 'cold' legs- They never feel cold, but when it happens she is inconsolable! I mean full on hysterical, day or night. It lasts until you give her Calpol which after 20 mins usually calms her. She can't walk, she just collapses into a heap on the floor.
.Her trousers have become loose and people have commented how light she now feels (when they pick her up)
.Her cough has lasted almost 3 months with it never turning into a cold.

I know all of these things can be explained my many many simple reasons! But since the Nurses concern I've become almost obsessed with this thought that she isn't ok, I'm honestly not even sure her blood test results will convince me otherwise! I don't know what to do? I feel like someone needs to give me a mental slap! She is only 3 and so she isn't concerned by my worrying but still I don't want worrying vibes pass from me to her (don't know if that makes sense lol)

Im not usually a worrier but when she was almost 2 we had a real fright! She had been poorly for a day and a half with very few symptoms, she had been sick 3 times but carried on eating/drinking, was lethargic but was still playing and laughing and she had cold feet which I put down to being in my friends cold house that day. I was completely not worried.A family member took one look at her and insisted I take her the doctors, I told her to stop being silly! What followed was an emergency trip to hospital followed by 2 nights in isolation on strong antibiotics day and night with suspected meningitis or septicimna (they never found out which).
I wouldn't have taken her and the thought of what could have happened scares the life out of me!

She is 3 so it's up to me and I don't want to not push hard enough to get her tested properly and me miss something again! But at the same time I've been doing myself in stressing for over a week! Someone please please tell me the blood test will be accurate and nothing will have been missed! Maybe that will help :weep:

04-01-17, 14:12
Hi there

The FBC will test your daughter's blood cells this test is the most common blood test that is ordered and gives a picture of a patients general health.

Leukaemia increases the numbers of immature or abnormal leucocytes. These suppress the production of normal blood cells.

A FBC takes normally 48 hours to be returned. If you have not heard anything from your surgery by Friday this week I would give them a call.
They call (Your GP) when something is severely abnormal and they need urgent further testing, sometimes tests can be marked as satisfactory which means they are not worried even though your results might be 1-2% out the 'normal range'. I have just had some bloods done and mine was marked satisfactory as I had one discrepancy which was 1% above the normal range and the FBC I had in August last year was the same as my liver enzymes where 1% over too.

The bloods tests are very sensitive and ALOT can be told about a persons health with such tests.

Let us know how you get on.