View Full Version : Support Needed

04-01-17, 13:30
This is my first time on a forum
I felt I needed to come somewhere rather than disappear to a doctors who will just fill me full of medication.

I feel that I suffer from multiple anxiety issues.
I started suffering with anxiety when I had post natal depression 5 years ago, I was then diagnosed with GAD and depression and an Eating Disorder.
Thankfully under a mother and baby unit I had regular CBT sessions and support and I felt a lot better.
But since starting Uni I have been on a lot of stress and especially over Christmas...now its come back.

I struggle to eat and to swallow basically anything.
Even drinks, send me into a panic
I worry about everything when I feel this way, my health, the kids, weight loss, the darkness, money, everything just become irrational...
Also the problem is I constantly think about it and then that stresses me out even more and the symptoms are even worse....I then become paranoid and worried about life.
I feel like i'm stuck inside my body and it terrifies me.
I haven't got a clue how to fix this...I just know I need some help.

So yea that's me
Gem x

04-01-17, 13:53
Hi Gem if you are at uni you may be able to get some counselling from there to help you? Check with student support.
You might find some of these workbooks helpful too http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/consumers.cfm

04-01-17, 15:26
are you taking any meds to help? Don't be scared of them, they are not the drugs of old that left you like a zombie. They are not a cure all, but can help you get back on to an even keel.

04-01-17, 16:05
Many of us say that being in our. Bodies during bad times is like hell on earth. Each limb hurts so bad and because it's our tortured minds we fear these pains and intensify them

Oh. God it's so so hard. Wish I had the answer for you
