View Full Version : Anxiety increasing at the thought of my kids going back to school next week

04-01-17, 15:39
I have been struggling with health anxiety for the last four months now but since the kids have been on holiday from school I've been a bit more relaxed. The mornings are my worst times but because there's been no rushing about for school it's not been so bad.

The last two days when I've woken up the first thing I think about is that they will be back at school on Monday. I'm dreading the early mornings and I'm going to miss the kids so much, I love having them around me.

Just needed to get this out.

05-01-17, 07:25
Hi there, I understand! I have two kids, ages 15 months and 3 years. My 3 year old is in preschool. The past couple weeks he's been home for the winter vacation, and my husband has had a lot of time off work for the holidays too. My son goes back to school on Monday and I feel very similar to how you feel about it. It has been SO NICE having everyone home and being able to relax and move slowly in the mornings, stay in pajamas, have leisurely breakfasts, put on a kids movie, etc.

I'm WAY anxious in the mornings, and it's made so much worse by the mad rush to get my son dressed and fed and then get him and my husband both out the door (husband drops him at preschool, which is near his work, and I stay home with my daughter). The house is so much quieter without the boys around. Not good for an anxious mind. The school day mornings are so busy (and early) that I end up very "adrenalized" by the time they leave.

Anyway I'm sending you a big hug. I get it, I really do.

05-01-17, 16:57
Thanks for replying,

I would keep the kids with me all the time if I could get away with it. The early mornings are awful, I really struggle with the anxiety.

I'm glad that you know what I'm talking about, I sometimes feel so alone in all of this.

05-01-17, 17:13

Just wanted to add that I feel a little bit the same!. My 3 girls went back today and my son goes back to nursery tomorrow and I have felt rather on edge last few days and had a few wobbly moments today. I have missed having them home today and I am sure the slight increase in anxiety is due to them going back as I was doing great really over the holidays. I also would have them home all the time if I had a choice lol x