View Full Version : Changing IBS Symptoms - Rumbling stomach

04-01-17, 15:40
Hi All

I have a history of gastric issues eventually having had had various tests in 2009 when they were ruling out any problems in the upper GI system (I did have a small duodenal ulcer). More recently in 2014 I had a blood test and physical examination (but no scan/endoscopy) in 2014 to rule out bowel cancer as my brother had been recentlydiagnosed. My symptoms subsided after this so no further follow-up was needed and it was left with my GP saying possible IBS. So i don't really know whther IBS is a 'formal' diagnosis as such.

I have been well since then with only minor, short, flare-ups,but in the last 4 or 5 weeks my digestive system has been all over the place. Some of the symptoms (moderate stomach pain - sometimes under left ribs but also elsewhere in lower stomach etc, a pulling feeling, back pain, acid indigestion and burping) I'm used to and they don't worry me too much

However I do start to get a little anxious if anything different happens - hence this post.

This may seem trivial or silly to others but I have started to have the loudest stomach rumbling I have ever heard in my life! I do have a rumbley tummy so wouldn't normally worry, but this is just excessive. It just doesn't seem natural and it's extremley embarrassing - and it's happening constantly - it seems like all day, every day. I had to leave a meeting at work the other day because it went on for over an hour and everyone was looking at me. The odd thing is that the amound of wind passed (sorry :blush:) is nowhere near the ferocity of rumbling would suggest. It just feels like it is all rolling backwards and forwards , getting stuck and never really going anywhere.

I just wondered if anyone else had experienced similar with IBS? Could there be any sisniter casues for all this? Should I go back to GP (I domn't really want to)?

Any help/comments appreciated

04-01-17, 15:45
If you are worried see a GP,

04-01-17, 16:34
Yes loud digestion is part of ibs

06-01-17, 10:40
Thanks for your replies - much appreciated.

As I said, a little loud rumbling wouldn't bother me as I know this is normal from time to time. It's the frequency and persistency of this particular symptom and the fact that this isn't normal for me that has triggered the anxiety response.

All the advice says "contact your GP if symptoms change/persist" but I don't have any red flags such as blood/severe pain/weight loss etc so I'm not going to bother her this time.

I know reassurance seeking is frowned upon but it really does help me keep things in control if people experiencing similar things reply with their thoughs etc.

06-01-17, 16:12
I have a loud rumbling stomach/abdomen all the time its usually a deep pitched rumbling sound and sometimes a high pitched squeaking sound its really embarrassing I also get abdominal pains almost all day everyday and as much as I try to ignore it that little anxious bugger at the back of my mind never fails to remind me its something sinister. The worse feeling is when my innards start to vibrate and jump about especially on the left side. I just put it down to IBS which is pretty common especially amongst anxiety sufferers.

09-01-17, 07:02
Thanks saf138. Your symptoms sound pretty similar to mine - and everyone else who has IBS, I suppose.

I have long periods of time when I have persistent, uncomfortable symptoms and then it will go, only to be replace by a set of different ones.

Oh the joys of HA :wacko:

09-01-17, 11:43
I have the same problem and really feel your pain. There is nothing quite as mortifying as the whale mating calls my tummy makes during lectures. I've found I have to feed myself belvita biscuits consistently for two hours until the lecture is over to stop it happening.
I've worked out that I think it's when my body expects food. I don't eat breakfast early on a normal day, I usually have it around 10, which is usually bang in the middle of a lecture. I try to eat something anyway before I go but it doesn't make a difference, the noises happen regardless. I think it's because that's when I usually eat.
The girls on my course are like gosh you love those belvitas don't you. I'm like no they're vile but they stop my insane tummy noises. Try grazing if you're in a meeting.
If you've got no other symptoms I really wouldn't worry, some of us are just predisposed to seriously embarrassing tummies!

09-01-17, 17:54
Can I just mention very quickly that for the last 2 months non stop ive been having alot of discomfort in my right side of my abdomen and this very sharp stabbing pain about an inch on the right of my belly button but for the last week I've been having a sharp stabbing pain under my left ribs which has taken my attention away from what I was having on the right side of my abdomen and hand on heart I can honestly say ive had zero pain or discomfort on the right side its really weird its almost like your mind plays tricks on you I can't explain. Its actually helped my anxiety that this has happened all I can say is yours sou d very much ibs related and as hard as it is try not to focus too much on it and you should start seeing your symptoms calm down.