View Full Version : Sleepwalking fear

04-01-17, 20:43
Hi guys,

For a very long time now I have had a fear of sleepwalking and hurting myself or others (my big fear is throwing myself out of a window) when I'm home it doesn't worry me too much however when I stay away it becomes pretty unbearable.

I'm currently travelling around Austria for work staying in a variety of different towns and hotels every few days. With each new hotel comes a new potential threat! Such as am I going to be on a top floor? Will it be high enough to kill me if I sleepwalk out of it? To add to this today I have been prescribed Propranolol which I thought would might help my general anxiety/feelings of loneliness and dread I had been getting whilst out there. HOWEVER I've just read online (I know I shouldn't have Googled) that Beta Blockers can cause people to sleepwalk! Even those who have never done it before (like me, although I do sleep talk)

So now I have no idea what to do?! I've started taking the medication because I'm still at home for two more days and I'd like to test it out in a 'safer' environment first.

Does anyone else share this fear?!

04-01-17, 22:22
Being that it's not been an issue for you before, I doubt it will crop up now.

When I was younger, I had a friend who had issues with sleepwalking. Once he stayed over with my brother and they slept in the guesthouse; in the middle of the night, he came down the hill and into the main house, crying to wake up me and the rest of the girls! It was interesting, to say the least.

Biggest thing with him was they had to make sure the door was locked. He has yet to have come to any harm because of it, though I think it lessened quite a bit with age.

Sleep talking is super common, sleep walking less so. I'd say you have nothing to worry about, but I guess if you wanted you could video yourself for a couple of nights to see.