View Full Version : Please help heart worries

04-01-17, 20:52
I have been a wreck this past week with palps (feel like my heart is fluttering and flopping. I'm scared that I am going to drop dead. I'm going through an intense period of anxiety right now. Please help talk some sense into me. I got the palps after I ate lunch and I was of course searching heart palpitations on this website! I'm scared.

Gary A
04-01-17, 22:05
I have been a wreck this past week with palps (feel like my heart is fluttering and flopping. I'm scared that I am going to drop dead. I'm going through an intense period of anxiety right now. Please help talk some sense into me. I got the palps after I ate lunch and I was of course searching heart palpitations on this website! I'm scared.

You're probably just suffering bursts of adrenaline which cause these palpitations. Most people who suffer anxiety have this symptom, the adrenaline levels in your body will be far higher than most people, that adrenaline has to be used up, and when it is, it will cause palpitations as your heart rate momentarily increases.

You aren't going to drop dead.

05-01-17, 00:12
Thanks Gary! my husband suggested I take up running to burn up the excess adrenaline.

bin tenn
05-01-17, 00:54
Why would you "drop dead" because of heart palpitations triggered by your anxiety? It won't kill you. While I'm sure the numbers vary, one article I read recently said the average person has up to 500 abnormal heartbeats per day. The difference is that in those with anxiety, those "normally abnormal" beats mean nothing and they pay them no attention. With anxiety, of course, that is not the case.

When I had my afib episode, there was still no concern from the medical staff who cared for me. And I was essentially having nonstop palpitations/flutters, quite literally. The only real risk was blood clot -> stroke, as is such with any afib patient. But even then, they said, that was not a significant risk. You're fine.

Please do go for a run if you can. Exercise helps tremendously. Not only will it shed some excess adrenaline, but your body also LOVES exercise. You'd be surprised at how amazing you feel after the fact.

05-01-17, 01:10
When you eat a meal your blood goes to the stomach to help with the digestion so your heart will pump harder and quicker to help this process. The more you eat I suppose the higher the heart rate. Eating fatty foods will also make it worse, so will not having eaten for a while.

I have just eaten my dinner (late I know) and my heart is going fast, once you accept that it is the natural process of your body and it's doing exactly what it should, it should help you to not be afraid of it.

Hope this helps in some way.

05-01-17, 01:33
I cant thank you both enough for your support. The flip flopping one after another went on for about a Minute or so. I have therapy tonight so I plan to address my heart fears.

bin tenn
05-01-17, 01:41
Good luck and let us know how it goes. :) I've also had the fluttering/flip-flopping for a minute or two at a time. So I understand!