View Full Version : My husband thinks he might have swallowed a razor blade

04-01-17, 22:15
My husband was scraping something off of a desk today with an xacto knife. He pushed too hard and the blade shattered right as he was yawning (yikes!). He said he found all the pieces except the very tip, which was tiny.

He didn't feel anything go down his throat, but says his throat is mildly irritated now. He and I both suffer from OCD so I daresay the irritation is imagined. Could such a tiny piece of metal harm him? He's very scared about internal bleeding. I told him I doubted that such a small piece could cause a significant laceration.

04-01-17, 22:24
he`ll be fine, might be worth a gargle with some salt water or a mouthwash to rinse but I`d say about 99.5% certain all will be well.

Sam Winter
05-01-17, 00:37
As a child I actually swallowed a tiny bit of wood, jif, and even metal, like brucealmighty said I'm certain he will be okay but if he's really concerned he can gargle with some salt water x

05-01-17, 02:34
Thank you both for your replies! He was very worried about it and like I said, having two people in the house who struggle with OCD, it's easy for worries to rub off in one another.

05-01-17, 03:16
Once I found a plastic fork with the tip of one tine broken off in the trash, and became convinced that I had swallowed this piece of plastic while eating chinese takeout (the whole family ate; I'm not sure I'm even the one who had that fork). Nevertheless, that was a scary episode.
I also thought one time that one of my children might've swallowed a tiny screw (we were assembling something and couldn't find one of the screws).
I called the pediatrician that time. He said sharp objects- even metal ones- often go through the body without doing any damage. Mucus covers the sharp edges, apparently.
Anyway, I doubt your husband even swallowed anything, but if he did, you can stop worrying after a few days. As long as he doesn't have any blood in his bowel movements or anything, I'm sure he's fine. Best of luck!

05-01-17, 23:17
Thank you! We'll keep an eye out for any blood and try not to worry in the meantime.