View Full Version : not convinced

04-01-17, 22:27
Hi ive, been having panic and a sort of general health anxiety for a month or two now. its been really difficult for the start but most days i have random panic attacks about how i think am going to have a heart attack or cardiac arrest. am only 20 and am quite fit though, i had also took myself to a & e one night at the start of all this and had a ecg oxygen levels heart listen too and blood pressure, and was told after that i was sound and the doctor looking at my results didnt feel the need to carry out anymore test. but in the back of my head i cant convince myself that thats the case and still fear the worse

04-01-17, 22:39
its very hard to take someone elses word for it when you are experiencing very real and very frightening symptoms, but I promise adrenaline is an incredible compound and does all manner of things to you, from the racing heart, shallow breaths, numbness in your extremities, all perfectly natural from when we lived in caves. unfortunately your nervous system doesn`t know the difference between a wild animal trying to kill you, or being stuck in traffic, it still sends the same `need to be out of here` signals.

it will all pass in time, it really will but the fear is real. sometimes thoughts lead to feelings, sometimes the other way round. but you`ll always live through them.

take care and try to get the basic stuff in order like sleep, time outside, exercise, avoiding cr*p people if possible, minimise caffeine / ale / drugs and really cherish yourself whenever possible

reading all this you might think I`m absolutely fine these days and know exactly how to handle panic. nope. when it hits me I still feel like I need the worlds biggest toilet visit, and I get all the symptoms, but these days they pass very quickly because ultimately I know they are just reactions to fear, my own mind and body trying to keep me safe really.

take care and stay hopeful

05-01-17, 03:07
I also have health anxitey. The littlest symptom makes me feel like there is a bigger problem. It's the worst. I have been given zoloft to to try to help with the anxitey but I can't even bring my self to take it since I have a fear of new pills...
Are you taking anything to help you with these panic attacks.

05-01-17, 13:36
I also have health anxitey. The littlest symptom makes me feel like there is a bigger problem. It's the worst. I have been given zoloft to to try to help with the anxitey but I can't even bring my self to take it since I have a fear of new pills...
Are you taking anything to help you with these panic attacks.

i havent took anything since its started

05-01-17, 13:43
What is "the worst" that you fear? Death?

Panic attacks envoke a feeling of "impending doom". That the end is very close.

But what we "feel" is happening, and what is actually happening are two very different things.

Basically, you are not in touch with reality. And that is cool... we rarely are. But it is important to start bringing yourself closer to it.

You are 20. Fit, and healthy. You are not at risk of heart problems.

I was in your position 12 years ago. Went to the Doctors after having a panic attack. Told him I thought I'd had a heart attack.

Still here... feeling pretty good.

06-01-17, 15:14
I also have health anxitey. The littlest symptom makes me feel like there is a bigger problem. It's the worst. I have been given zoloft to to try to help with the anxitey but I can't even bring my self to take it since I have a fear of new pills...
Are you taking anything to help you with these panic attacks.

I am terrified of pills too. Taking them, upping my dose etc.
But I am also terrified of panic attacks.
Basically my family said to me, 'what scares you more? you have to make a choice.'

There can be unpleasant start up effects on meds, but some people notice nothing, and most people are grateful they pushed through it