View Full Version : Struggling with my fears.

05-01-17, 06:55
I over stretched my neck and I felt a sharp pain in my neck and it the traveled down my spine and arms. I've since then have a stiff neck, pain when lift my head and a pain that travels down my back. Headaches and a heavy head. I am trying so hard to brush it off as an irritated nerve and I now these take a few weeks to get better. Then I happen across a post on Facebook freakyfacts: stroke from over stretching your neck why you get your hair washed at a salon. But yoga and over stretching or sudden twist of the neck can cause it too. Soooo now I'm freaking out since I feel as if my pains are getting worse.
I just need a push to get these trains of thoughts not to go there.
well not to burrow itself deeper.

05-01-17, 15:17
Brushing it off as an irritated nerve is pretty much correct.
Due to my occupation I have regular visits to the chiropractor due to stiff neck and shoulders. When muscle tightens it can press on nerves which in turn can cause pain like you have experienced. It can also cause numbness in your fingers, headaches etc.

You have absolutely nothing to worry about!

05-01-17, 16:18
seriously? Facebook? First no google, now facebook. Before long the whole internet will be off limits. :shades:

Sam Winter
05-01-17, 20:32
This reminds me of myself,
I sleep with three(and sometimes four) pillows, I slouch while using my laptop all day so it gets really stiff and I always stretch it(I could probably benefit from a chiropractor if I'm honest :roflmao: ), sometimes it will click and a few months ago it did really bad, I couldn't even bend my head slightly in any direction, it eventually got better so I'm putting my money on sprain but it didn't turn out dangerous, getting a stroke from twisting or stretching your neck is very very rare and I hate to sound insulting but I don't think you're that rare of a person :winks: x