View Full Version : Is this M.E/CFS

05-01-17, 09:45
About 3 years ago I suffered really bad anxiety after my brother passed away, I couldn't stand up for long, constantly tired, dizzy, brain fog and many more symptoms. The symptoms started to ease after about a year and I was able to get out of bed and leave the house again, till may this year I was so stressed at work I got tonsillitis and stated to feel dizzy, tired didn't want to leave the house brain fog so I quit my job now I don't leave the house only to get my child to and from school which is a struggle, I feel like I can't breath 24/7 I'm weak, I lay in bed all day. Even if I walk to the end of my road I feel like I'm going to faint, my body temperature is messed up I overheat and faint.

There's many more symptoms aswell, I've been to the dr but just feel like I waste my time just get fobbed off with cbt, which I've done before and did nothing.

I just want to talk to someone that has the same symptoms and thinks or has been diagnosed with M.E

05-01-17, 16:24
Im not even sure what ME is?

05-01-17, 16:51
I've felt like this before and I'm afraid the only way is to keep plodding on. Don't give up, little bit at a time. The more you just lie down, the dizzier / weaker you feel when you do stand up :) and muscles get weak when they're not used

05-01-17, 16:58
Doesn't really sound like chronic fatigue but dizziness from standing has many causes (nutritional deficiencies, low blood pressure, POTS, dysautonomia) so maybe a blood test to see. It actually sounds like depression/anxiety to me though

05-01-17, 19:18
I went through a long spell of being convinced I had ME, in fact it was the disease I obsessed most about through my twenties. I had many of the symptoms you mention, including extreme fatigue, dizziness, aching muscles and loads more. The more I read about ME the more symptoms I seemed to develop. In the end I didn't have ME, all my symptoms were caused by anxiety. It took a while for me to get my anxiety under control, but as I did my symptoms gradually improved. Anxiety can definitely cause all the things you are describing. It would be worth trying to find a counsellor if you can, although I understand that if you're not working, it's hard to afford.

05-01-17, 19:59
Im not even sure what ME is?

ME is commonly referred to as CFS or chronic fatigue syndrome in the U.S.