View Full Version : petachaie And itchy feet

05-01-17, 11:03
I've had my HA nicely under control for a few months, and, as always seems to happen, something has cropped up to bring it all back again. Two weeks ago I noticed petachaie on my legs and feet, mostly on the lower legs on the inside. Obviously I googled and found all sorts of things from leukaemia and platelet disorders to allergies to weightlifting. Obviously my brain is telling me I have the most serious one of those.

They seem to have faded from when I first found them, to a sort of browny orange colour rather than blood red, but I'm constantly checking and I'm not sure if they've got more numerous and newer red ones have appeared or whether I'm imagining that. I'm also not sure if there is a slight rash mixed in there as some areas feel quite bumpy like little rash spots, and I can see that they are when I shine a torch down my legs. But most of them don't go when I press a glass on them.

I have no other symptoms except the arch on the underside of both feet is itching, usually when they are warmer or I'm lying down, in bed, but not when I'm walking about. I've taken piriton for a day, in case it's an allergy, and I think the itching has improved, they don't feel so itchy now. Of course I've also read that itchy feet at night is also a symptom of something dreadful.

I haven't changed washing powder, soap, used bubble bath or any of the usual things you go through when wondering about allergies.

Often my HA is brought on be "feeling things" stomach ache or indigestion and eventually I conquer it and start to feel better. This is something I can actually see and I can't tell myself that it's probably the anxiety making my stomach ache or whatever.

I do weightlift and have been seeing a personal trainer (to make me feel better about my health and feel strong and healthy!). She is getting me to lift quite heavy, but I don't see how that could have caused them on my inner lower legs when I don't lift specifically with that area. I've also had a bit of a break over Christmas and only lifted once during the holiday period, so new ones shouldn't be appearing.

I've got a doctors appointment next Tuesday (first one I couldn't get without claiming it was urgent) and I'm worrying like mad, scared stiff I'm going to be sent for blood tests and told it's something awful. I know no one can help, or tell me what it is, and I'll have to wait for the doctor, but at least I feel better telling people who understand and know how I feel, rather than those around me, who just think I'm going off on one again.