View Full Version : Rib pain and paranoid about cancer

05-01-17, 16:55
This is my for at time posting about anything like this and I'm hoping someone can calm me down a bit.

For the last two months I have rib pain in the right side. It is all over the ribs, although some spots are sore touch. It also radiates to the back. I have been to the GP and because I had a baby four months ago they say it is probably muscular. They have listened to my lungs and said they're clear and a liver function test came back clear.

I have always suffered with anxiety and have been paranoid about cancer after my mum passing away from it 5 years ago. However, now, maybe because of hormones, it is horrendous and focused on my health. I have convinced myself I have all sorts of cancer but now I have become obsessed with lung cancer. I cannot convince myself otherwise, despite the doctor attempting to reassure me only this morning.

I have been given citalopram for the anxiety today but until these kick in I feel like I can't cope. I'm unable to even focus enough to look after my two young children.

Please if anyone has had anything similar or any reassurance I would be so grateful.

Gary A
05-01-17, 17:00
This is my for at time posting about anything like this and I'm hoping someone can calm me down a bit.

For the last two months I have rib pain in the right side. It is all over the ribs, although some spots are sore touch. It also radiates to the back. I have been to the GP and because I had a baby four months ago they say it is probably muscular. They have listened to my lungs and said they're clear and a liver function test came back clear.

I have always suffered with anxiety and have been paranoid about cancer after my mum passing away from it 5 years ago. However, now, maybe because of hormones, it is horrendous and focused on my health. I have convinced myself I have all sorts of cancer but now I have become obsessed with lung cancer. I cannot convince myself otherwise, despite the doctor attempting to reassure me only this morning.

I have been given citalopram for the anxiety today but until these kick in I feel like I can't cope. I'm unable to even focus enough to look after my two young children.

Please if anyone has had anything similar or any reassurance I would be so grateful.

If you had lung cancer that was advanced enough to be causing pain, your lungs wouldn't be clear and you'd most probably be suffering a whole host of other symptoms like a persistent cough, weaziness, fatigue and weight loss.

I would listen to your doctor.

05-01-17, 17:09
Thank you for replying. It makes me feel a bit better.

I know I probably sound ridiculous but my anxiety level is crazy. I assume probably because I have recently given birth combined with the fact my mother first got cancer when her second child was very young.

Thanks again.

06-01-17, 23:07
I remember a few years ago a couple of months after my third child I had really bad chest pain, sure I was dying, but was just muscular & eventually went. I know for me it can be difficult after having a baby & my ha increases but think the mix of raging hormones & lack of sleep don't help! Sorry you lost your mum to cancer, I recently lost my dad to it too & know what you mean.
Please take comfort from what the doctor said, hope you feel better soon, take care x