View Full Version : Joint and Muscle Pain, Panicking about ALS? (Previously had Anxiety. My Story)

05-01-17, 18:18
Hi all,

My name's Ben and I'm 27 and since May 2016 I've been suffering with (what I hope is) anxiety. This site has helped me in the background without being a member and happy it pops up when i search for symptoms (the school boy anxiety error).

My anxiety began after I played football. I was exhausted so thought that I would order a pizza to save cooking. After that i started to get a strange feeling in my chest. Whether it was football or pizza related i don't know.

I hid it from my wife, but the feeling (almost like something was jammed in my throat where my heart was) lasted for three days. It didn't effect me, heart rate was fine etc. We were in Sainsburys shopping and I told her. I started looking up causes (never been anxious before this) and I was fine. Looked up causes 20 minutes later and I physically nearly passed out. I had a rush and went extremely light-headed, dizzy, fuzzy etc and had to crouch down with my head in my hands. We went straight to the hospital then thinking something wrong with my heart

Three ECGs later I was absolutely fine and no cause for concern. However, the dizziness remained for about three weeks, constant. I don't think it was anxiety though (maybe it was I don't know) because I never googled or anything and thought it was something sinister. Just took time off work and relaxed. I then started googling and panicking like crazy, convinced I had MS. I went to the doctors about my constant dizziness (and coincidentally started getting an ache behind my eye), couldn't find anything and the doctor told me, no, forced me to accept that I didn't have MS. He actually gave me an MRI scan to prove it because he saw the scan as a way to treat my anxiety after a lengthy conversation.

My dizziness did go. Then i got ringing in my ears, the type where you go deaf, rings and then hering comes back. A month later I got the same light-headedness again. I would be sat there and i would out of nowhere become dizzy as hell.

Anyway, where I'm at now, sorry to write such a long post. i had a stint of dizziness in October which lasted a week. But following this I started getting localised dull aches across my body. My thigh would ache for maybe 15 minutes, then go. Three hours later my shoulder would ache and then go. Again, put this down to anxiety.

However, it has remained and this week it's gotten worse and I don't think it's anxiety anymore. Now, my joints are tender, more so my ankles and wrists. They feel like they have mild arthritis almost. Only when I move them or bend them though. Also, my soleus muscle (front of lower leg) randomly went quite painful like i'd pulled it. I hadnt done any exercise. This is what made me panic. Because before it was aches that would go, but now I'm experiencing pain. My joint sensations are constant and when I exert myself it would mildly hurt afterwards (eg. lifting a box my elbow would mildly hurt afterwards. I don't know what is going on and panicking that it's ALS. I have my first child on the way and I'm starting to envision leaving him with my wife etc. Very morbid horrible thoughts. I feel like I haven't been able to escape this since May. I just wish I never played football, it's taken over my life. Could it be anxiety or something worse, ALS?

Thank you everyone

05-01-17, 20:13
I've had similar experiences like that myself with panic disorder, Ben. I even had the joints in my hips pop, while walking, when I first started having panic disorder; man that was weird. But overtime, I realized that anxiety, especially panic disorder, will cause your body to tense up just about every muscle in your body big time and with a result of pain in the joints and muscles; and yeah mild arthritis can add to it as well and make it seem worse then it really is.

The other thing about panic disorder is that it makes you become oversensitive to your body, which makes things seem even more sinister then they really are.

So if you've gone through all the tests and they've all come back good, well there's only one thing that is left and that it could be, that you've been having all along that could be causing all this...panic disorder. Right?

Edit to add; Also I forgot to mention, when we get a number of adrenaline rush or stored up adrenalin in our bodies from the panic attacks, that goes hand in hand with the muscle and joint problems we sometimes experience with panic disorder.

05-01-17, 20:23
Thanks PanickyGuy. Appreciate your reply.

Did you turn out okay? Did the doctors look into your issues?

The thing is, my muscle pain isn't like a cramp/tensing up pain. Very localised random aches. My fingers even ache.

I was 'fairly okay' with the dizziness, trying my hardest to convince myself it was anxiety. However, I haven't had any tests with my now muscle/joint pain. I've had it for the last few days and no signs of it getting better. I can't convince myself that it's not ALS :weep:

05-01-17, 21:17
Thanks PanickyGuy. Appreciate your reply.

Did you turn out okay? Did the doctors look into your issues?

The thing is, my muscle pain isn't like a cramp/tensing up pain. Very localised random aches. My fingers even ache.

I was 'fairly okay' with the dizziness, trying my hardest to convince myself it was anxiety. However, I haven't had any tests with my now muscle/joint pain. I've had it for the last few days and no signs of it getting better. I can't convince myself that it's not ALS :weep:

I feel for you, bro and I know the feeling, it sucks. Because I had the "what if" MS and ALS fears cross my mind too, at one time or another. But actually no, I didn't have my doc look into any of that with the joints or muscle problems at the time, well because by the time I had gotten around to start really worrying about those particular issues, I realized later on, that I had them for so long and since the beginning of my GAD\panic disorder. And so I never gave it much more thought after that moment and yep, I'm still okay and I still get those joint and muscle problems to this very day; and it's been going on six years now with me.

But here's the thing, Ben - the problem with GAD and panic disorder, is that it always makes us assume the worst, that it's the ultimate sinister thing that is happening to us and we got to kept that in mind and try not to let GAD\Panic disorder drive us crazy like that. Because in your case it could be something simple, like a pinched nerve in the back or just arthritis from playing sports so much from past football injuries or some other simple logical explanation other than the worse you can think of. So don't always assume the worst, okay? :winks:

But the best thing to do, because your anxiety is probably not going to leave you alone about it, is to see a doctor about it for peace of mind. Right?

05-01-17, 22:01
Thanks mate.

I'm an engineer so I'm a logical person and have to find the source of everything and find the issue. At my worst during my dizziness (and this is terrible to say) but I hoped they found a benign small tumour during my MRI just so I know that's the reason. I'm very depressed with everything. But this has started 7 months after my initial anxiety attack, that's why I think ALS.

I have a docs appointment in two weeks, that's the soonest they could get me in. I don't know how they check for ALS

---------- Post added at 22:01 ---------- Previous post was at 21:47 ----------

Also, been sat in the same spot on the sofa watching TV tonight and a sat up and my bum bone/rear pelvis hurts when I walk. What is happening to me? I'm falling apart

05-01-17, 23:48
Your welcome and yeah, same with me about needing to find the source or answer to a problem. I use to be a mechanic :D. But hey, let us know the results from your doc visit, okay.

And hang in there, man. :winks:

06-01-17, 07:24
Struggling to hang in there with my symptoms but I have no choice, I guess. Anybody with similar experiences or think it could be ALS?

06-01-17, 18:41
Hey Ben, if you got any diazapam, larazopam or something - pam, I would take that to help keep yourself calm until your next doc appointment. I did that myself when I thought I was having major heart issues in the past, which turn out to be nothing BTW. Anyway, I would take half of one of those little pills and that kept me from worrying too much and having any panic attacks most of the time until I could get to my doc to get tests done.

So try that if you got any. They will keep your nerves steady in the meantime. They'll make you feel kinda drunk too, but they're worth it to keep from going nuts. Lol.

06-01-17, 19:59
Hi sorry your going through this. I sometimes get really achey when my anxiety is high I can be laying in bed and all my joints just hurt and ache even my fingers and toes, the only way to ease the ache is a really warm bath. This can last a few days then just disappears until the next time. I've also been quite dizzy for a few weeks and I've been told I've got an inner ear infection (labyrithitis) and the worry about it has caused me awful tension headaches and strangely an aching behind my eye. My dr said its all connected and to give it a few weeks which is easier said than done but I've noticed that since I've relaxed a little the pain has started to go. It's unbelievable some of the symptoms anxiety causes and they feel so real. I hope you start to feel better soon

14-01-17, 12:13
If it helps, I have also had pain in my toes and thought it the most random thing! This is along with lots of fatigue in my muscles. But it probably really is all related to the way your body deals with tension and excess stress. No two people are the same but I'm realising our bodies can react in all sorts of ways with anxiety. And like panickyguy said, we get super sensitive to it which only adds!

14-01-17, 23:13
How have you been doing? Hopefully you've settled and those morbid thoughts have gone away. I just wanted to drop in and say that you can count me in for aches and pains that happen randomly without much warning or trigger (I've had them for years) but of course I always can link it back to the flavor of the month when it comes to things I'm scared of.

Pain isn't a symptom or a precursor to als. It's a byproduct of the disease when paralytic parts of the body will begin experiencing pain due to frozen joints, bed sores, etc.

Failure over feeling. That's what anyone with the disease will tell you.

17-02-17, 09:42
Hi everyone.

The update isn't the best. Still feeling anxious and actual more panicked over ALS.

The joint pains subsided, all at one. So strange. However, following that I have been experiencing fasciculations all over my body on a daily basis. Furthermore, the most worrying, is that I am experiencing weakness in my right arm and right leg.

The feeling is a weak feeling, the closest I can compare it to is when you stretch a muscle when you wake up, and it's almost 'tickling' sensation. The feeling you get when you get a nervous shiver through your body. That's what I feel in my leg and arm but very much more so in my right arm. The worry for me is that it's been constant for three weeks straight. It doesn't come and go, or that I can shake it off etc.

My arm tires very easily too, washing hair, brushing teeth, stirring sauce I have to rest it afterwards. It worries me so much that it's ALS. So scared.

19-02-17, 15:38
Since this I have my front lower leg muscle which seems weak and my arm seems weaker now. Has anybody ever experienced this?

19-02-17, 15:58
ALS is about failing, not feeling.

The ALS rabbit hole is one of the worst I've seen on the boards. If you find that you hand stops working, not feeling weak but absolutely stops working, yes, be concerned, otherwise, it's some other benign reason or your anxiety, hyper-focusing and skewed self perception messing with your mind and body.

One last thing. DO NOT go on the ALS boards!

Positive thoughts

19-02-17, 17:05
ALS is about failing, not feeling.

The ALS rabbit hole is one of the worst I've seen on the boards. If you find that you hand stops working, not feeling week but absolutely stops working, yes, be concerned, otherwise, it's some other benign reason or your anxiety, hyper-focusing and skewed self perception messing with your mind and body.

One last thing. DO NOT go on the ALS boards!

Positive thoughts

Thanks for the reply Fishmanpa. I hate this right now. There's not a minute that i worry about it. My main concern is how my arm and lower leg tire after a few seconds. I understand that if the initial power is there it is not ALS but i cannot shake it.

Unfortunately i went onto the ALS forum to try and calm myself and seek reassurance. It's difficult to control the search for reassurance.

19-02-17, 18:37
Unfortunately i went onto the ALS forum to try and calm myself and seek reassurance. It's difficult to control the search for reassurance.

Yeah, I see that now :( You've been warned and will be banned if you continue to post there. It's highly disrespectful to those actually suffering. Please seek professional help with your anxiety.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

20-02-17, 11:20
Yeah I have and I shouldn't really use the forum as an anxiety hub which I think is the reason that I'm being warned. I 100% understand that it's disrespectful to those suffering and I am truly sorry if I made somebody feel that way.

Calling the GP this morning to mention my newfound leg tiredness and hopefully get to see a neuro.

---------- Post added at 11:20 ---------- Previous post was at 08:31 ----------

I have been booked in for an EMG. Doctor says the wait is around 2-3 weeks. I'll report back with the results.

One question, is it a neurologist who performs the EMG?

07-03-17, 18:12
Hi everyone.

I've noticed something with my tongue today and that is the spark that makes me worry about bulbar onset of ALS.

My tongue feels very tense, not relaxed at all. It's making it feel like its swollen at the back of my throat. On top of that, my throat feels very course. I read stories of people who developed bulbar ALS mention a sore throat with no other symptoms.

My face will also sometimes go tense, in weird places. Like my chin would sort of go tense/numb. Then my upper cheek.

Yesterday i noticed neck pain when a turn my neck but that has gone now.

I'm panicking like mad.

Can anybody offer advice?

07-03-17, 18:26

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


ps I have also moved your thread to the Health Anxiety forum

07-03-17, 19:21
Thank you. But my concern now is regarding a different physical condition to what my title says and i fear people will not respond to what my latest worry due to not realising it's different to the title.

Kind regards, Ben

07-03-17, 19:26
And you're still posting on the ALS forum! :( Please leave those poor folks alone and get help with your anxiety!

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

08-03-17, 03:03
No, you're still talking about ALS. Haven't you had a clean EMG? You need to get over this, dude. Get on medication, or go to therapy, or both.

08-03-17, 03:37
dude nothing about what you say says ALS to me. You're in a lot of pain and feel weak and weird. That's not ALS. ALS is when you feel mostly normal but you can't do things like pick up a cup or pick up your foot.
There are legit neuro problems that are more sensory, but you got screened for the really obvious one (MS) and don't have it.
To me this sounds like "BFS" (aboutbfs.com), benign fasciculation syndrome. It's an anxiety-related bodily issue that seems to affect men more than women.

08-03-17, 08:41
Thanks everyone. Josh, I had a clean EMG for my arm troubles which I'm happy with

My muscle aches and joint pains have now subsided. My concern at the moment is bulbar ALS. My throat feels course, my voice is croaky, my tongue feels strange (like tense). And I also noticed tightness and numbness that happens around areas of my face (jaw, lips, cheeks etc).

My passage way feels more restricted in my throat, I struggle to burp for instance. I heard bulbar is a condition that comes and goes as it develops - is this true?

08-03-17, 13:27
What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

08-03-17, 13:41
What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

I'm currently having a Health Anxiety online CBT. It's not actually too bad. Obviously, won't be as effective as one-to-one CBT but it's all the NHS have until I get a free therapist

I was happy last week after my clean EMG (for my arm). These new symptoms came from nowhere

08-03-17, 13:53
I'm an engineer so I'm a logical person.

Just quoting this, which you posted in January.

It is March now.

Have you been treating the anxiety or have you just spent two months worrying about ALS?

As an aside: Anxiety makes my arms (sometimes legs) weak, and I don't always feel that I can grasp things well. I work on the anxiety and the symptoms come and go so I know I have nothing else to concern me.

08-03-17, 14:51
Just quoting this, which you posted in January.

It is March now.

Have you been treating the anxiety or have you just spent two months worrying about ALS?

As an aside: Anxiety makes my arms (sometimes legs) weak, and I don't always feel that I can grasp things well. I work on the anxiety and the symptoms come and go so I know I have nothing else to concern me.

I have been having GP-referred online CBT courses while also worrying about ALS. What I mean from my post is that I'm a problem solver so I scour for answers constantly.

08-03-17, 15:08
I'm an engineer so I'm a logical person.

I'm a problem solver so I scour for answers constantly.

So... based on being a logical, problem solving person who has been given definitive scientific answers and diagnosis from medical professional with degrees in neurology and in light of all evidence to the contrary, why are you still chasing the wind? :shrug: (and don't say this symptom is different. It's not! You're looking for ways to validate your irrationality).

Positive thoughts

08-03-17, 15:20
Everything was proven that I don't have ALS from my physical symptoms (arm, leg) but not bulbar. Which makes it possible to have, right? :unsure:

08-03-17, 15:41
Everything was proven that I don't have ALS from my physical symptoms (arm, leg) but not bulbar. Which makes it possible to have, right? :unsure:

No.... You're trying with all your being to validate your irrationality and you're one post away from being banned on the ALS forums where you've been told by actual sufferers time and again, nothing you describe is remotely close to any form of ALS.

BUT.... if you really deep down believe this and want to chase a diagnosis that will never come, then I suggest you log off and look into getting a full diagnostic workup costing thousands of $$$ at an accredited research/teaching hospital specializing in ALS research and treatment.

Positive thoughts

08-03-17, 16:06
Everything was proven that I don't have ALS from my physical symptoms (arm, leg) but not bulbar. Which makes it possible to have, right? :unsure:

It's tough to accept, but anxiety is skewing any logic that you may have had. It's frustrating, I get it, but you need to concentrate on treating the anxiety. That's it.

08-03-17, 16:26
It's horrible. That's why I reached out on here regarding my symptoms, hoping that somebody has had similar issues and turned out to be nothing. Anxiety truly is the devil on your shoulder. I ask also become my throat genuinely feels very swelled up, out of nowhere and I am not ill or been around anyone ill.

Have you ever got so anxious that you get the lump in your throat or find it difficult to swallow. I seem to have that permanently. And my voice is croaky. I have to ask how anxiety causes this though? I guess your brain defaults to 'worst-case'

08-03-17, 16:34
Have you ever got so anxious that you get the lump in your throat or find it difficult to swallow. I seem to have that permanently. I guess your brain defaults to 'worst-case'

Common Anxiety Symptom. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Throat_tighteningChokingSwallowing_proble ms)

Positive thoughts

08-03-17, 16:43
I'm currently having a Health Anxiety online CBT. It's not actually too bad. Obviously, won't be as effective as one-to-one CBT but it's all the NHS have until I get a free therapist

I was happy last week after my clean EMG (for my arm). These new symptoms came from nowhere

Online CBT is actually considered evidenced to be as effective as face-to-face. It's only a Level 2 treatment though. It's only evidenced if it is remote supported though.

The problem with low intensity treatments though is the lack of time, bespoke nature/tailoring, etc. And it requires you give it a lot of mental push.

You likely need something a bit more intensive because you are obviously resistant to reining in your reassurance seeking behaviours if you are on an ALS forum (which I don't condone, but understand why fear has driven you to that - but make a commitment to force yourself to stop now, it's only making you worse through reinforcement of your fears).

08-03-17, 17:04
Like Fishmanpa posted, it's a common symptom.

The majority of symptoms can be put down to the tension caused by the release of stress hormones. You'll find people describing pains in all sorts of places and it comes down to the fact that the tension in that area has built up to the point that pain is felt. Then even after the tension has subsided the area has to heal. I presume that people hold tension more in different places so that is why there are so many variables.

09-03-17, 09:22
The ALS rabbit hole really is not pleasant.

09-03-17, 13:59
You have clean clinicals and clean EMGs. Dude, YOU DO NOT HAVE ALS.

13-03-17, 08:21
Sorry to jump back onto this but over the weekend, out of nowhere and with not even looking into symptoms etc, I have developed extra saliva in my mouth. My throat continues to feel sore and my voice croaky. Starting to get real anxious regarding bulbar ALS now.

I know that I have an EMG of my arm that was fine but, as far as I understand and I could be wrong, the limbs and mouth are not related.

13-03-17, 11:30
YOU believe you do so let's go with that. You need to connect with a hospital that specializes in MNDs and speak about tests, treatments and prognosis.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

13-03-17, 22:59
Sorry to jump back onto this but over the weekend, out of nowhere and with not even looking into symptoms etc, I have developed extra saliva in my mouth. My throat continues to feel sore and my voice croaky. Starting to get real anxious regarding bulbar ALS now.

I know that I have an EMG of my arm that was fine but, as far as I understand and I could be wrong, the limbs and mouth are not related.

Lol, you just told someone else that it didn't matter where you got the EMG, and now you're saying it does. Cmon, man.

15-03-17, 04:51
progressing in your worries to bulbar is a classic part of the rabbit hole. Many poor souls have fallen down this way. quick, get up!

15-03-17, 14:45
I'm trying my hardest :shades:

Positive thoughts