View Full Version : Morning Anxiety, nausea, no-appetite, jitters, the works!

05-01-17, 21:33
Hello all,

I have been having a reallly rough past ten days. It began with a panic attack on Christmas Eve (oh the joys of the holiday season) and ever since then I have been on edge/anxious every day.
I have completely lost my desire to eat. The sight of food makes me gag. I am waking up every morning in the throes of panic and vomiting. Bad acid reflux (from not eating I assume). My hands are jittery. Legs won't stay still. I have been getting hot flushes.
And today I am so weak/out of it, I just want to sleep all day.

I am waiting for this wave to go/some normalcy to kick in. (I refuse to believe this is the normalcy)

I just tapered down my clonazepam dose about 3 weeks ago, but I consulted a psychiatrist at a mental health emerg department last night and he says it is not withdrawal. He says I am just having a bad spike and perhaps the benzo was keeping it at bay.

But I do NOT want to go back up in dose.

I guess I just need some encouragement.

Someone who can say, "ugh. I have been there and then I woke up and wanted to eat" or "I got through something very similar"

Not eating is making me very weak which of course fuels the anxiety and ups the body's cortisol level.

My regular psychiatrist as well as my go are both on vacation at present. I see my psychiatrist Monday, but even then she won't be able to wave a magic wand and make me feel 80% good.


I feel just awful


05-01-17, 21:58
I struggle with anxiety and I randomly wake up having zero appetite. I wouldn't feel nauseous just no appetite. I would think that I wasn't anxious I just woke up, that's the most relaxed I should be! But I've come to learn A LOT of anxiety can be subconscious. You think you're not anxious but subconsciously you are.

Loss of appetite and nausea are classic anxiety symptoms

05-01-17, 22:07
I've been having a HA episode since mid-november. The mornings are the worst. I wake up so anxious. I also have no appetite and have lost ten pounds in the last month.

Like you, I am just waiting for this to pass. I also take klonopin.

One day at a time...