View Full Version : Burning sensation

05-01-17, 22:08
Has anyone had a 'burning' type sensation that felt like it was in their head? Not deep but not on the skin either? Almost like a headache but a 'hot' feeling.....

05-01-17, 22:46
Yep I've had this, also wet sensations. I think they are a form of tension headaches x

05-01-17, 22:50
Yep I've had this, also wet sensations. I think they are a form of tension headaches x

Ahh that's a relief... I've been anxiety free for ages now but for some odd reason got myself a bit worked up today.... however I've recently got depression so perhaps that's set the anxiety of a little bit too! Thank you :)

05-01-17, 22:56
Yep I think they tend to go hand in hand.. just remember how well u have done and fight or flight x

06-01-17, 18:09
Yep I think they tend to go hand in hand.. just remember how well u have done and fight or flight x

Thank you so much!!

06-01-17, 18:18
I had this regularly a few years ago, burning stinging sensation side of head and occasionally on the top, it was eventually put down to tension and anxiety.

06-01-17, 19:10
I had this regularly a few years ago, burning stinging sensation side of head and occasionally on the top, it was eventually put down to tension and anxiety.

That's so reassuring, thank you!!

07-01-17, 01:19
Yeah, head and elsewhere. The most annoying thing anxiety/nerves do to me is the "water drop" sensation, like a rain drop falls on you, but can happen inside. I mean, it feels SO real, like there should be water on your skin, and nothing.

Our minds do weird things, and tension and anxiety make people like us notice everything. Most people probably experience things like this, but do not assume some terrible outcome. We take it the other direction.

07-01-17, 12:11
Yeah, head and elsewhere. The most annoying thing anxiety/nerves do to me is the "water drop" sensation, like a rain drop falls on you, but can happen inside. I mean, it feels SO real, like there should be water on your skin, and nothing.

Our minds do weird things, and tension and anxiety make people like us notice everything. Most people probably experience things like this, but do not assume some terrible outcome. We take it the other direction.

I used to have this feeling too! It's so weird isn't it... thanks for replying!