View Full Version : I need some advice help about lady issues please! So I don't spiral

05-01-17, 23:59
I went off my bcp two months ago and my periods normalized quickly. I've never had PMS I'm lucky I guess. I'm on day 3 of my period now, it came a day early I think. My weight us down 3 lbs from Tuesday the first day but my lower belly pelvic area seems bloated it and I measured it abs it's a tiny but maybe half an inch bigger. I measurw mt waust hios abd tummy regularly. So then like an idiot I go poking and prodding my tummy and now I've some pain in my lower belly pelvic area. So I started freaking out about one of my main anxieties ovarian cancer it was actually my first freak out. I'm now scared that I have another symptom, urinary frequency. I'm not sure there's any increase though I've always peed every 2 hrs or so and I don't sleep great and wake up and pee several times during night. But it's more like I wake up and then pee. Anyway I'm trying to avoid another freak out and panicked dr visit. I'm 39 in 2 months by the way no kids.

06-01-17, 00:31
I'm not a girl but I do know it's completely normal and actually very common to feel bloated and have your lower stomach distend a bit while on your period. Your stomach hurts from the poking, and frequent urination is a classic symptom of anxiety.

06-01-17, 01:29
You might have a UTI. You really should see a doctor. UTIs are easily treated.

06-01-17, 01:35
I really don't think it's a uti I've peed frequently my whole life I even took one of those strip tests b4 my period for uti infection it was,negative. Is a bit of bloating a uti symptom

Catherine S
06-01-17, 01:49
In your origional post you said you were scared because of another symptom, urinary frequency, but then said it's normal for you to pee alot, so why did you say it scared you? Also, you talk about the bloating as if it's a big deal as well as the pain you also talked about, but when the possibility of a UTI was mentioned suddenly you describe it as just a 'bit of bloating'. So what answers are you looking for? We can't tell you what it is, only your doctor can do that. So all we can do is advise you to ask your doctor or the practice nurse. Surely a panic visit to your doctor is better than a panic guessing game?


06-01-17, 01:58
lol Istillbelieve

and then there's that :shrug:

06-01-17, 02:20
Well since returning to work and being busy my urinary frequency decreased which made me think it was anxiety. I never really counted but I know I pee alot. I always said it was a bit of bloating I measured myself daily and my lower belly went from 31 to 32 over my pweiod. I weigh myself twice a day too and it seems to fluctuate hy 3 lbs weirdly lighter at night. I admit I'm terrified of Dr's but I don't want to go for something that's nothing.

---------- Post added at 02:20 ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 ----------

I guess what I'm saying re urinary frequency is if I'm busy in not having it if I'm home worrying I have it

Catherine S
06-01-17, 02:39
You weigh yourself twice a day and measure your stomach daily too? I'm assuming you're aware that's not normal behaviour, so are you taking any medication for your anxiety? Also, you say you don't want to see the doctor if it's nothing, but how will you know it's nothing unless you see the doctor? If that makes sense.

The thing is, your bloating and discomfort can be something or nothing, and more likely to be nothing and people can reply giving you various benign reasons for what you describe, but at the end of the day there's really only one way to find out and it's not from Google.


---------- Post added at 02:39 ---------- Previous post was at 02:30 ----------

Weasley, I've just been reading your back threads, in particular your intro thread and you've been through alot emotionally with your family I can see which would explain your fears, but you don't mention any meds as far as I can see, unless I've missed that part. Have you never been given any kind of therapy or grief counselling etc?

06-01-17, 02:52
I'm very aware it's not normal I've always had ocd tendencies. Even before my ha surfaced I weighed myself twice or more and measured. I take xanax for flare ups. My psych says I'm very responsible with it. I really don't want daily meds. I would like cbt but there sessions are mostly during ,y work hours and then I need to get home to walk my dogs who are extremely important to me. I don't drive and once I get back home walk dogs I've missed any time slots. Is there online cbt msybe. My husband pretty frustrated. He thinks I'm fine and just need to calm down but I'm always worried about him and me and getting older. It started with my dad's death from cancer he died practically in front of me in ICU. I really want 2017 to be a moving beyond fear year. I just don't think I have the courage to go the Dr now unless I felt worse. The Dr is Mt biggest fear I'd have full on panic and I think I'd need therapy even for that. I took a xanax feel calmer and now think this is probably all period stuff ie bloating and psi which didn't appear until I poke. I'd been on pill sp long I forgot what a regukar period was. Anyway thank you

Catherine S
06-01-17, 03:07
See my added post above re your back story, it explains alot. Also what you've said just now about your meds and therapy. I think online therapy is your decision to make, but I personally would steer clear of it. My daughter used it a couple of years ago and it opened up a huge can of worms for the whole family, some members no longer in touch with her which is very painful for her. I realise it was better for her to get her feelings out into the open, but she paid a high price in the process. I think perhaps face to face therapy sessions might not have been so brutal.

But i'm glad your anxiety tonight has calmed down a little now.

Look after yourself

06-01-17, 03:13
I agree face to face is better but I just don't get the crazy hrs the sessions are like at 2 pm weekdays and msybe rarely 4 no weekends. I work as a teacher 8 to 3 get home at 4 to walk dogs. If I went to a 4 therapy session they'd be alone we hubby works untio 6 I would have major guilt and anxiety over that. It's tiring to be sp worried and I feel guilty to have anxiety. My husbsbd never worries so doesn't get jt, though he is kind. However he won't discuss fears with me. Which I understand. Anyway I appreciate your supprt by therapy do you mean cbt or grief counseling or both. I was just wondering. I

Catherine S
06-01-17, 03:26
I meant both really. I'm assuming whoever you were originally referred to helped you through your grief?


06-01-17, 12:31
This morning I talked with my husband who has no anxieties and he rightly pointed these are all things that happened b4 and caused the initial freak out two years ago when nothing was wrong. He also pointed out I've always peed alot and gotten up at night to pee, I don't sleep deeply. Fall asleep no problem but wale up a few times. It's true I only worried about that when I read it was a symptom. We worked out if my symptoms worsen he will go to the Dr with me in 2 or 3 weeks or of im still scared. I also think this could be from coming of bcp I'm on my 2nd period after coming off pill. I quit it due to heart anxieties but I think I may start again I felt better with this stuff on pill and my relationship was better. Not to get to personal but my husband and I don't want kids and he won't get a vasectomy so not being on the,pill causes some issues.