View Full Version : Cheek pain

06-01-17, 00:56
I keep getting this pain that travels from in between my eyes To under my eye and across my cheek, it started about half and hour ago. It's very mild but because it's in such a random place I panicked. I remember reading years ago that ms can cause face pain and now some how Iv come to the idea that im having a stroke. I thought it could be sinuses as I have allergies and am often blocked up but I'm no right now. I'm trying to sleep and every time I feel the pain it frightens me so much I feel sick. I also havnt slept properly in a week because I have been stressed about college starting again, everything's just getting to me recently.

06-01-17, 02:21
I get similar pains from being tense and clenching my jaw which results in pain around that area