View Full Version : Health worries filling up my head!!

06-01-17, 02:19
I'm really really struggling right now 😞 I have felt myself dipping for about a month now, during this I have started to experience more health issues which have then excelrated my anxiety which then turns it all into a vicious cycle.
I am currently experienceing the following sysmptoms which are scaring me. Intense Headaches during sexual activity when reaching the end! I have posted on this recently and got couple reassuring replies but stupidly I have googled and YouTubed and am now convincing myself of the worst.

I'm also struggling with bloated stoamach and tiredness which I put down to ibs and my anxiety causing me to be shattered.

My eyes always feeling heavy and stinging, like I just want to close them to relieve the stinging.

Insomnia, I can't remember the last time I slept before midnight or stayed asleep for longer than 2-3 hours without waking.

Can anyone relate to any of these please???

Luke S.
06-01-17, 02:39
I can really really relate to your Health Worries sometimes i experience it as well it is really intense and makes you think negative:)