View Full Version : Travel Anxiety

06-01-17, 04:48
Hey there,
So I have really severe anxiety. Even leaving the house to go see friends can make my stomach turn, and while I can travel with close family members, I find it incredibly difficult to travel with friends.
I've worked to overcome this, through exchange programs at high school and by taking a couple of visits away from home in the last year (one with the college, and another to see a friend) and while I enjoyed the visit to my friend's- likely because she is very close to me, like a sister- the trip with the college was... less than excellent. I had panic attacks every time I was left alone and found that the seperation from my close family was very distressing.
This particular trip is with people I get along with but am not particularly close to. This is party due to the advice from my therapist to 'try things that make me a bit uncomfortable' and partly because it seemed rude not to go. But with the trip starting in just over twenty four hours, I can feel the anxiety slipping in. I'm feeling ill, I want to cry, and I mostly just want to gather up everyone I love and stay with them forever. I know it sounds childish, but that's how it is.
Any help would be seriously appreciated.

06-01-17, 04:56
It's not childish, it's because it's something different and also different surroundings. I am 35 and get terrible anxiety. I can travel and be fine and sometimes the anxiety hits. I'm actually away atm and the first day was not good, couldn't sleep with massive panic attacks. I am a lot better now almost 2 weeks in on a 3 week break. Picked up a stinking cold today though so how great is that when away lol. All I can say is stick with it, chat to people on here and try and think that it's only a holiday and you will be going home at the end of it. Try and enjoy it :-).

07-01-17, 15:49
You are not alone! I'm currently an actor on tour in another county and I've just got back here after my lovely Christmas break at home. Yesterday I just could not stop crying as I packed my case. My last leg of the tour was just over 6 weeks and this leg is almost double so I'm freaking out. It crossed my mind several times to quit but I can't let this beat me! I keep thinking of my family and wanting to cry because I miss them so much and am terrified something is going to happen to them when I'm away. Just remember that home will always be there waiting for you! At least that's what I'm trying to tell myself. If I wasn't here I would be at home and it would be great but I know I'd get fed up eventually because I'd have to do a dead end job. I know it's hard but just try to enjoy yourself and perhaps your therapist was right about putting yourself in that uncomfortable position so that you can see nothing bad is going to happen.