View Full Version : Extremely worried about my heart - any help appreciated

06-01-17, 04:57
I've been a worrier all my life, but until now have managed it pretty well.

Last month, however, I had my first panic attack after experiencing two sharp/squeezing chest pains in the middle of my chest that lasted 1-2 seconds each. Fleeting but intense.

I feel like my body hasn't been the same since, and now I'm experiencing so many heart-related symptoms that have sent my health anxiety through the roof.

Some background info:
-36 year old male
-Overweight (but not obese)
-Live relatively sedentary life if I'm honest (but try to walk 30 minutes a day)
-never smoked
-never drank alcohol
-never did drugs
-History of heart disease in my family (father died at 45 from heart disease. he was a heavy smoker/drinker)
-currently on no medications or supplements

Since my panic attack, a slew of additional heart symptoms have started to creep up, most concerning are:

-Intermittent chest pains: (usually happening while at rest, sharp squeezing sensations lasting only few seconds, generally left-of-center of mid-chest. These are not as intense as they were a month ago and seem to be subsiding, but I still get milder ones from time to time)

-Shortness of Breath: (this is the MOST concerning because it seems to be gradually getting worse. I can breathe normally, I'm not gasping for breath at this point, but each day I find it more difficult to grasp a full breath because of chest tightness/heaviness. It feels like mild chest congestion, but what's so scary is that this SOB happens when I exert myself/walk/move around and alleviates when I sit down. This hasn't subsided, but seems to be getting more intense)

-Arm ache/discomfort: (I'm now getting intermittent muscle tightness in my arms, particular the left one, where it sometimes feels like a nerve is being pinched, other times just a general muscle ache feeling. Comes and goes)

-Teeth Aches: (I was able to mentally chalk everything up to anxiety until I started getting teeth aches. This has really freaked me out and also seem to be coming more frequently. Once when I was laying down I felt my heartbeat in my teeth, which never happened before)

-Heart Palps/High Heart Rate: (The palpitations come and go, but I notice their particularly strong in the morning when I wake up. Resting heart rate fluctuates between 76-100 bpm any given day/time).

-Nausea: (Comes and goes so randomly. One minute I just feel like vomiting, but never do.)

Other milder symptoms, which come and go randomly:

-pin and needles/tingling throughout body (has subsided a lot, but still happens)
-joint pain/aches (happens rarely, but usually happens in fingers and wrists)
-muscles aches (rare, but usually happens in calfs)
-loss of appetite (this was really bad in the beginning after the attack, I lost 12lbs, but have been eating regularly again the past week and 1/2).

Tests I've done:
-EKG/ECG (normal)
-Chest X-ray (normal)
-2 blood tests (both normal) - second one I had slightly low potassium, but I think that's because my lack of appetite the past month.
-Both my GP and an ER doctor listened to my heart and lungs and said they sounded fine.
-Blood pressure has been consistently elevated though. Last I saw my GP it was 144/96, but I was super super anxious at the time. I've taken it at home a few times since and it's hovered around 126-136/75-84.

My GP is sending me to a cardiologist just to be safe, but the waiting is killing me as I continue to experience these symptoms.

I know this can all be lumped under the umbrella of anxiety, and no doubt I've been on edge for the last month wracked with worry...

Still, this persistent shortness of breath, teeth and arm aches scare me to no end that these are all warning signs that my heart is in serious trouble, especially given my family history.

I'm so overcome with worry living in the unknown, continually going back and forth...is this all anxiety or something worse?

The only constant symptom is the SOB. Everything else happens randomly and are never paired together it seems. I haven't experienced any radiating pain that travels. All discomfort in my arms, muscles and teeth have been localized it seems, but this is all new to me so I don't know what to think.

Any insight or reassurance would be so appreciated right now.

Thank you.

06-01-17, 05:48
I have to say I am in a similar position to you, symptom wise. That said, literally everything you described can be caused by anxiety, which causes anxiety and adds the symptoms. I am dealing with the shortness of breath and have had it many times in the past, as a result of anxiety. I had tons of lung function tests done, and heart tests. Normal. Couldn't get a full breath, was horrifying. That was twenty years ago, the first time, and a few times since, including right now

bin tenn
06-01-17, 05:56
Hi there. Sorry you're so worried and experiencing such symptoms. Rest assured that all of those symptoms are very common. ESPECIALLY after a panic attack, and especially after your FIRST panic attack. I've had sporadic panic attacks (no obvious trigger) for over ten years. Even now if I have one, it can take several days to feel "normal" again. Until then, I feel on edge, anticipating the next random attack - that's a classic characteristic for panic disorder.

I know how you feel, too. Not just from panic attacks, but the family history. My mom's mom and brother both had a few heart attacks. Her mom died at 58 from her last, and her brother died at just 42-ish. Then my mom had a major heart attack (first that we know of) in November, and she's only 54 (she'll be 55 on Jan 18).

However, as was the case with your father, my mum and her family all had/have risk factors - not-so-great diet, long time smokers, lack of exercise. That, and apparently atherosclerosis (the cause for each of them) is hereditary. So I definitely understand where you're coming from.

Your symptoms are very familiar to me as well. And they're familiar to so many others out there (and here at NMP). So again, you're far from being alone. I promise. We get it.

I'm glad your doc is sending you to a cardiologist as a precaution. It sounds like you don't have any severe/longterm risk factors though, IMO. Especially being only 36. I'm 29, and again, I know how it feels to worry even at this age that I've done some damage to my heart. But it's not that common. Just follow your doc's advice, and be open and honest with the cardiologist about all of your symptoms. They'll check you out as thoroughly as they need to and they'll address any issues as necessary.

Hang in there. It's tough, but it's not uncommon how you feel. Not at all.

06-01-17, 06:52
Are you actually puffed out or do you find it hard to take a deep breath? They are two entirely different things.

06-01-17, 08:04
You're getting checked by a cardiologist. I think he will say you're fine though, so that should reassure you.

To be honest, the only thing I would worry about are the teeth. Might be a good idea to get an appointment with a dentist to get the teeth checked too.

06-01-17, 16:22
Thank you all for you responses.

lofwyr and Binn_Tenn...thank you both so much for relaying your stories. They helped calm me down considerably. Just to know you're not alone and that others are experiencing the same symptoms and anxiety goes a long way.

swajj...no, I'm never puffed out. I'm not gasping for air. I can take normal, shallow breaths fine. I just feel like I can't take a full breath. Like when I breathe deeply, I feel I can't get to the bottom of it, like my lungs are congested and chest feels heavy. What really concerns me about this is that it always happens when I exert myself. When I'm sitting, I can take the full breath just fine and my lungs feel clear and chest open, but as soon as I get up and move about, the SOB comes back. If I wasn't experiencing all these heart symptoms, I would think I had a mild chest cold. And this symptom has stayed consistent since my panic attack. I tried walking on the treadmill for 15-30 minutes, and at the end I'm not winded or anything, but the chest again feels heavy and I can't grasp a full breath. But at no point am I huffing and puffing.

I am definitely now very fixated on my breathing and whenever I move about I'm always testing my deep breaths to see if the SOB is there or not, and if it is (which is often), I start to get anxious. So, I know I could be triggering myself, but it's just so difficult to know what is real and what isn't. I think I could take more comfort in thinking it's anxiety if the SOB was happening randomly at rest, but it's always when I move about. When I'm sitting, I can breathe fine. I do get winded when I when I heavily exert myself, like running, but I just always figured that was due to being out of shape and overweight. But just walking briskly? I only get the chest heaviness.

rsanchez...thank you for the reassurance. It's the waiting for my appointment and questioning that is so hard. I'm extremely worried about the teeth issue, because I've never had teeth problems before. Haven't had a cavity since I was 8 years old. Every visit, my dentist always says my teeth look great, which leads me to believe this is heart or anxiety related since it all started after my panic attack. I just hope it's the latter. I have been extremely anxious and nervous for over a month, and everyday I'm worrying about my health in some form or another, so I don't think my body has had time to really "come down."

06-01-17, 16:57
Tooth ache could very well be brought on by teeth clenching due to anxiety. You might not notice it, but it can happen.

06-01-17, 20:53
I am going through the same short of breath symptom, it feels like I can't get a full breath but usually when I'm sitting/laying I can breath ok it's just when I get up and walk I can't get a deep breath and my chest feels so tight that I feel like I'm going to faint.

06-01-17, 23:36
EKG/ECG (normal)
-Chest X-ray (normal)
-2 blood tests (both normal) - second one I had slightly low potassium, but I think that's because my lack of appetite the past month.
-Both my GP and an ER doctor listened to my heart and lungs and said they sounded fine.
-Blood pressure has been consistently elevated though. Last I saw my GP it was 144/96, but I was super super anxious at the time. I've taken it at home a few times since and it's hovered around 126-136/75-84.

I have heart disease. I've had two heart attacks, triple bypass, stents, suffer from high blood pressure and hyper cholesterol and triglycerides. I also have angina. I take BP meds, blood thinners and take nitro for the angina pain. (I'm also a stage IV hed & neck cancer survivor).

I understand that anxiety and the physical symptoms than manifest themselves can mimic heart issues but based on the tests, you don't have it and I'm quite sure the cardiologist will affirm this. I'd give my left nut to have the clear test results you've had.

After you get the all clear from the cardiologist, I would seek counseling for your anxiety. Treating the real issue also treats the physical symptoms associated with it. Also, at 36 and based on your history, you're in an advantageous position to modify your lifestyle to prevent any future cardiac issues.

Positive thoughts

07-01-17, 08:00

Just to let you know that I am experiencing exactly the same. I had an ecg and they said there was something on it, but they are unsure what it is. I have to go back to get further tests. I am waiting to hear about the appointment.

Hopefully it is nothing. I don' smoke or drink, I eat healthily, and I excercise. There is nothing much I know of in my family history to do with congital heart disease so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Hope you are feeling better today

07-01-17, 14:15
My shortness of breath sounds similar. I often can't get a proper deep breath because of anxiety. It feels like the base of my chest is locked in place preventing deep breaths. I presume it's because I'm tensing my abdomen. It is quite tricky to fully relax - but if I succeed it feels like releasing a lock at the base of the chest.

07-01-17, 18:43
Hi there I suffer from exactly what you have described let me see if I can put your mind at rest a little. I have an awful lot of chest/jaw/arm/shoulder pain and discomfort I too have had numerous checks done ecg/bloods/x-ray's with everything also being fine. I have no history of heart disease in my family I just want you to know that it is very possible for you to feel these things due to anxiety and stress as a result of you worrying about your family history you seem like you have had a full load of tests done by your doctor now ecg's blood pressure x-rays and things can be pretty hit and miss things are often overlooked but blood work is pretty solid hopefully you can find the peace you need from a cardiologists review. I'm great at giving advice but not so great at taking it myself I too have had bloods and seen a cardiologist and still have it set in my mind that something is wrong. I can only hope you do what I should have done and took "your ok" as your actually ok. Good luck and take care :)

07-01-17, 19:21
I also become short of breath whenever I'm experiencing anxiety/ panic attack.
Because my main fear is *cancer*, I've never worried about my heart, although I'm scared to even check on my blood pressure; I'm sure it's terrible.
You need to understand that anxiety affects heart rate.
The more you worry, the more your heart will do strange things.
You'll be okay. :hugs:

07-01-17, 21:27
Thanks again everyone for your responses.

Trying to stay positive, but it's challenging when I can't get a full breath when moving about. I went to the mall today and had to climb some stairs and by the end I could feel my heart beating fast and my chest was tight. Every deep breath was labored.

This was coupled with a feeling of nausea.

I definitely felt anxious, so it could all be a product of that. After sitting for a few minutes, everything seemed to pass and I could grab a deep breath again.

These are the most difficult times. When I'm sitting, I can be calm and forget my anxiety, but when I exert myself and get this SOB (now with Nausea which is new), my anxiety skyrockets.

The waiting to see the cardiologist is the worst of it. Still waiting for them to call for an appointment. I've been so close to just rushing to the ER, but I've already did that.

Sometimes I wonder if this could be mild Asthma? I had Asthma as a kid and read that a lot of people have reoccurrences as adults when under intense stress.

But I'm not wheezing or coughing, so I don't know.

Anyway, thanks again everyone. All I can do is wait and stay positive.

Fishmanpa...thank you for relaying your story. After all you've been through, it gives me strength to see you're still here and staying positive and helping others through their experiences.

07-01-17, 23:11
Hi again,

I have asthma, I don't wheeze and don't usually cough. Your problem does sound like unmedicated asthma - except, if it was something other than anxiety I would expect your exercise stories to have a consistent theme - the stronger you exercise the more you need to gasp, but I'm not picking that up from your stories of running, climbing steps and being on the treadmill.

07-01-17, 23:49
Thanks Dave for the response. That's interesting you can have asthma without the typical cough and wheeze. If I had no other symptoms, I would describe this SOB as a chest cold or chest congestion, because that's what it feels like. But all my blood came back normal with no sign of virus or infection.

Can asthma go undetected?

As for the exercise, I definitely was more winded after climbing the steps than briskly walking on the treadmill, so I think there is a positive correlation between level of exercise and how much SOB I have.

It's just whenever I exert myself now (even just walking normally around the house), there is a baseline SOB/Chest heaviness, that seems to increase the more I exert myself.

As soon as I rest, it goes away.

But as of yet, I'm never to the point of gasping for air. I can always breathe.

Which, if this is asthma, it might be mild form of it?

Anyway, this is just a sample of what races through my head as I ponder all the possible things this could be.

Guess I just have to tough it out and wait to see the cardiologist and take solace in my tests results so far and your guys' kind reassurances.

08-01-17, 03:47
I can't add anything, it's a long time since my asthma was uncontrolled by medication I can't even remember how I was tested for it. You can't have much wrong, you've been too thoroughly tested. Will you come back and let us know the results of your cardiology exam?

20-01-17, 01:50
You're not alone. I'm experiencing all the same symptoms and have been, unfortunately, on and off for several years. Struggling with the deep breath/chest tightness now. It's debilitating. I'm so tired of this. Just know you're not alone.

20-01-17, 03:05
I think your fine I have had the exact same things that you have for many years anxiety can easily cause every symptom you have described but still it doesn't hurt to get checked out and any chest pains should be investigated most doctors can easily tell the difference between anxiety induced chest pain and heart related chest pain. Hope you find the answers your looking for take care

20-01-17, 17:43
I could have written this post. I have every one of those symptoms you have listed. Most of them I have had for a good 4 years but SOB and teeth aching is new and have had for the last month.

My new symptoms are scaring me as they can be linked to the heart worries Im always freaking out I have.

My chest pain is getting worse also in the last month. But my ECGS have been clear and I am trying very hard to believe in them!

I have been diagnosed with costochondritis which hurts like a bi***. This is my chest pain apparantly caused by years of anxiety and tension.

I just wanted to say I literally share your pain xx