View Full Version : Friendships

06-01-17, 11:23
I'm at a stage in life, at 41, where I'm finding it very difficult to relate to people. I go through the motions and people tell me they're amazed that I have anxiety due to my confidence socially. I am always the chatty one.

I should embrace it apparently but I can't help that feeling of missing out sometimes. I have friends but I don't connect as much as I used to.

Do you think we naturally lose old friends and forge new ones? Is there something I need to physically 'do' I should I just allow it to evolve organically?

Square peg, round hole syndrome exacerbated by the constant 'girls nights out' on Facebook that I've never been privy to. Yet I can't ditch this empty feeling...:doh:

09-01-17, 12:07

Clydesdale Epona
09-01-17, 12:13
I feel like over time as we grow and change our friendships can too, I have quite a few friends I haven't spoken to for a while because we've kinda outgrew each other x I don't think there's anything you have to personally do but you could try going out places and make new ones? it never hurts to try x

09-01-17, 12:15
Hi , me to (46 ) I used to be the life and soul of a party but I've now cut myself off from most of my friends , it was gradual as I got older but got worse after a breakdown due to anti depressants after that I never felt like going out with the lads incase I panicked, I still see quite a few people and I talk to loads of dog walkers but I can't commit to a whole night out , I miss it greatly and I miss getting drunk which I can't do now , I like situations where I can escape if need be , take care .:D